Glossaries – Waterboards – Spain

This glossary will provide you with explanations (and sometimes also translations) of Spanish words and expressions, used within the datasets on the commons and the related webtexts. Explanation/translation will only be given at the word or expression most commonly used. In case other words or expressions have the same meaning, a term in italics refers the explanation of the word/expression at the word/expression most commonly used.

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Act to close the ditches to allow water to flow freely through the river course, in order to be fully utilized by the villages in the lower part of the river basin.

Abatir aguas

Allowing the river to flow freely through the course.


Irrigation canal.


Time periode of irrigation appointed to each irrigator.

Agua mostrenca

Water flowing freely through the rivers, freely available for each party to take out of turn.

Aguas sobradas

Excess flow of the river, usually caused by rainfall, that can be used out of turn. Some communities had obtained preeminence rights to make use of this.


Officer in charge of the distribution of irrigation water, also having the authority to punish the illegal usurpation of water.


Territory, governed by the rules of distribution of irrigation water of the river Queiles.


Period of five or eight days (duration depending on which side of the river), starting on the 26th day of each month, during which period all the waters of Queiles river must reach Tudela in order to be used exclusively by the irrigators of this municipality.


Four-day period, lasting from the 22th until the 26th of each month, in which the Queiles river water is used for irrigating exclusively the villages preceding Tudela on the banks of this river.


Dam on the river for the purpose of irrigation.


English: Sprinkler.

Officer in charge of irrigation.


Point of a river or canal where the outflow of water is regulated.


A device, consisting of a stone with a circular hole of about twenty centimeters in the centre, allowing water to flow from the water ditch to smaller irrigation ditches.

Diputación de huertas

Committee representing the owners of a collection of fields, responsible for managing the common interests on irrigation.


Monthly period that begins after the alhema, and ends on the 22nd day of each month, during which period the water of the river Queiles was shared between the communities of the upper breaches of the river, following established shifts.

Fila de agua

In Navarre, a fixed flow of irrigation water measuring approximately twelve liters per second.

Junta de campos

Committee representing the owners of a certain field, responsible for managing the common interests on irrigation.


Stone pillars on the banks of a river, intended to hold the shutting boards that should obstruct the flow in order to raise the water level and water to higher grounds.


Point of a river, ditch, or irrigation canal where the waters are divided into other channels, using a stone dike placed at an angle against the current.


Ordered collection of rules for the management officials of a corporation, issued by the competent authority.


In Navarre, caudal portion of the irrigation system, detracting water from the main stream of the river Queiles during the alhema, in order to irrigate some fields.

Síndicato de riegos

Association formed to defend the economic interests of the irrigators.


Person elected by a corporation to look after their interests.


Penalty imposed on those who had stolen irrigation water during the period of alhema. The penalty consisted of destroying the existing plants in the area illegally irrigated.

Teja de agua

In Navarre, fixed flow of irrigation water measuring approximately three liters per second.


Ditches floodgate, regulating the flow of the water.

Tribunal de aguas

Court responsible for determining questions of fact concerning the ownership and use of the waters of a river or canal.