How do scientists use their knowledge to solve problems faced by today’s citizen collectives? How do policy makers reflect on the collectives’ challenges? And where do financiers come into the picture? The answers to these questions and more were discussed in a livecast on 11 February 2022. This event launched a new, transdisciplinary knowledge exchange platform for citizen collectives: CollectieveKracht.
Category: Organized 2022
The diffusion of shared goods in consumer coalitions, Open seminar talk by Francesco Pasimeni
Dr. Francesco Pasimeni is an industrial engineer and he was the guest speaker of Research Team Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action on 25 January. Dr. Pasimeni holds a PhD in Science and Technology Policy Studies from SPRU (University of Sussex). He presented parts of his thesis about Modelling Fractional Ownership in the Sharing Economy and more specifically about the diffusion of shared goods in consumer coalitions. Pasimeni explained the model he has built to calculate where there is a niche in the economy for shared goods, with the eventual goal to obtain more sustainable consumption patterns.
Social entrepreneurship in the Netherlands, socio-cultural, political and legal contexts: open seminar talk by Maarten Hogenstijn
Maarten Hogenstijn, senior researcher social entrepreneurship at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences was the guest speaker of research team Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action on 11 January. He talked a about the contextual developments that affected the design of legal frameworks for Dutch social enterprises. In the Netherlands, social enterprises are usually considered as the social side of business. Increasingly researchers and civil servants recognize that social enterprises can also been seen as the entrepreneurial side of the social economy.