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Highlights from 2023
- Encyclopedia of Social InnovationThe Encyclopedia of Social Innovation offers an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview of the field of social innovation, providing an insightful view into potential future developments both practically and theoretically. The 77 entries by prominent international scholars cover a variety of key themes including social innovation ecosystems, co-creation, new technologies and methods, education, governance and policies. One … Continue reading Encyclopedia of Social Innovation
- CollectieveKracht receives Open & Responsible Science Award for Societal EngagementKnowledge exchange platform CollectieveKracht, founded by research group Social Enterprises & Institutions for Collective Action, has received an award from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The platform provides citizen collectives with reliable, science-based knowledge to help them develop into more resilient organisations.
- ‘Strong together? Citizen collectives solve problems unheeded by the government’ – Interview with Tine De MoorDe Volkskrant had an interview with Tine De Moor about 1000 years of history of institutions for collective action (a.k.a. commons) and the relevance of citizen collectives in our present-day society. ‘Problems such as climate change and the capacity of healthcare provision are too urgent to re-invent the wheel over and over again.’ The article … Continue reading ‘Strong together? Citizen collectives solve problems unheeded by the government’ – Interview with Tine De Moor
- Inaugural lecture Tine De Moor: ‘Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy’On 17 February Prof Tine De Moor publicly accepted her appointment as professor of Social Enterprises and Institutions for Collective Action at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University with an inaugural lecture entitled Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy. How to deal with the grand challenges of our current society? … Continue reading Inaugural lecture Tine De Moor: ‘Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy’
- Symposium – From science to society: evidence-based lessons for (cooperative) social enterprisesOn 17 February, our symposium “From science to society: evidence-based lessons for (cooperative) social enterprises” took place, followed by prof. dr. Tine De Moor’s inaugural lecture entitled: “Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy”. We would like to thank all (online) attendees for attending these events! We hope everyone found it … Continue reading Symposium – From science to society: evidence-based lessons for (cooperative) social enterprises
Highlights from 2022
- Nacht of CollectieveKrachtOn 16 September the first physical event of CollectieveKracht took place: ‘de Nacht van CollectieveKracht’. Look back on this interesting evening by watching the aftermovie on Youtube. Were you not able to attend the event? Or would you like to revisit the topics discussed? Our website features recordings, cartoons and reports (in Dutch) from the … Continue reading Nacht of CollectieveKracht
- Paper on the effect of preference deviation and social embeddedness on member commitment on cooperativesAgnes Akkerman and our team member Damion Bunders published their paper “Commitment issues? Analysing the effect of preference deviation and social embeddedness on member commitment to worker cooperatives in the gig economy” in Economic and Industrial Democracy. It’s open access and can be found here.
- Does the history of commons repeat itself? by Tine De MoorOn 21 April, professor Tine De Moor gave a lecture in the Commons Program at the Ostrom Workshop in Bloomington, Indiana. The lecture, titled “Does the History of the Commons Repeat Itself? Building a Taxonomy of Institutions for Collective Action to Study their Spread and Resilience Over Time and Space” is on Youtube.
- Opinion article: Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen: herkansing voor de erkenning van de actieve burger?In een opinieartikel in de Volkskrant riepen Tine De Moor en Ton Duffhues (Rotterdam School of Management) lokale overheden op om in gesprek te gaan met actieve burgers die in hun eigen omgeving uitdagingen op het gebied van wonen, zorg, energie, voedsel en natuur aanpakken. Lees het hele artikel, inclusief de voorbeelden van Herenboerderij Wenumseveld, … Continue reading Opinion article: Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen: herkansing voor de erkenning van de actieve burger?
- Rules and sanctions in long-lasting fishery cooperatives, Double open seminar talk by Florian Grisel and Grant HallidayOn 9 March, research team Institutions for Collective Action had a double open seminar. Grant Halliday, historian and research intern at RSM Erasmus University, gave an insight into the development of rules and sanctions in medieval and early-modern fishery cooperatives in Spain. Dr. Florian Grisel, associate professor at the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, complemented … Continue reading Rules and sanctions in long-lasting fishery cooperatives, Double open seminar talk by Florian Grisel and Grant Halliday
- Launch of the CollectieveKracht platform for citizen cooperativesHow do scientists use their knowledge to solve problems faced by today’s citizen collectives? How do policy makers reflect on the collectives’ challenges? And where do financiers come into the picture? The answers to these questions and more were discussed in a livecast on 11 February 2022. This event launched a new, transdisciplinary knowledge exchange … Continue reading Launch of the CollectieveKracht platform for citizen cooperatives