Community spirit in the neighborhood

Communities are the foundation of liveable neighbourhoods. On November 26, residents, experts and housing corporations came together in Pakhuis de Zwijger (Amsterdam) to discuss how strong neighbourhood communities are formed.

The program included seminars by Tine De Moor and Teun Gautier. Four initiators of citizen collectives discussed their role as an ‘active resident’ within their local community, their current challenges are how they can be better supported by housing corporations.

Learning to participate: involving citizens in decision-making and implementation

On November 14, The Flemish Association of Village Interests (Vlaamse Vereniging Dorpsbelangen) organized an online meeting and invited professor Tine De Moor to give a seminar on current types of citizen participation. First, she discussed four social trends in the relationship between citizens and the government. Then, she shared an overview of instruments for citizen involvement and zoomed in on citizen collectives as a ‘new’ form of citizen involvement, particularly in villages.

Thomas Bauwens shares insights during RIODD Congress 2024

On September 28, Assistant Professor Thomas Bauwens (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) participates in a plenary session during the RIODD Congress 2024 in Brussels. This years Réseau International de recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD) explores the theme ‘Imagining, experimenting, and perpetuating strong sustainability’.

The plenary session will shed new light on long-term sustainability issues and their implications for societies. Thomas Bauwens will be accompanied by Philippe Pochet, a political scientist, director general of the European Trade Union Institute and professor at UCLouvain, Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit at the European Commission, DG Environment, and Amandine Orsini, professor of political science at UCLouvain Saint-Louis.

European Network for Housing Research invites Tine De Moor as speaker

How can cooperative housing be part of the solution to social, affordability and environmental challenges? On August 28, professor Tine De Moor from the Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University) shares her insights during the ENHR Conference 2024.

Tine De Moor is invited as a speaker alongside Jardar Sørvoll, Research professor, University of Oslo, and guest editor of the forthcoming special issue on Housing Cooperatives in Housing Studies. The moderator of this plenary session is Darinka Czischke, Associate Professor Housing and Social Sustainability, TU Delft, and co-founder of the ENHR WG Collaborative Housing.

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Rotterdamlezing by Tine De Moor – How value becomes resilient: building the community economy in Rotterdam

On May 13, Tine De Moor, professor of Social Enterprises and Institutions for Collective Action at Rotterdam School of Management, explored the value of citizen collectives during this year’s Rotterdamlezing. Are they the missing link between citizens and government? In the ever inspiring Arminiuskerk, Tine De Moor takes you on a journey through Rotterdam’s past to a distant future, which may become even more local than before. The recording of the lecture is now available with English subtitles.

“Rotterdam citizen collectives differ in some ways from the rest of the country. For instance, in our city there is a much greater emphasis on collectives targeting lower income categories and providing a solution in the social sector.”

Read more about the 20th edition of the Rotterdamlezing.

PhD Defence Damion Bunders about resilience of platform cooperatives

On March 15, Damion Bunders successfully defended his PhD thesis titled: ‘Gigs of their Own: Can platform cooperatives become resilient?‘ The dissertation is about platform cooperatives as an alternative form of organisation where gig workers own and manage a digital platform collectively. It includes an analysis of the challenges these cooperatives face to better understand the conditions under which they could become resilient organisations.

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Leibniz University Hannover invites Tine De Moor for lecture series ‘Between Eden and the Fall’

On April 23, Professor Tine De Moor from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) gives  a lecture titled: ‘The commons as a form of institution for collective action, in longitudinal perspective‘. This seminar is part of Leibniz University Hannover’s summer semester lecture series ‘Between Eden and the Fall: Common Land in Early Modern and Modern Western Europe’.

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