Video: explaining the SICADE model

We are happy to announce that our video ‘The SICADE-model to understand Institutions for Collective Action’ finished in second place at the World Commons Week ‘teaching the commons’ video contest of IASC. In the video, Damion Bunders explains the theoretical framework we use to study the long-term development and the resilience of institutions for collective action (ICAs). Discover if this model is a useful tool for your studies as well: watch the video on Youtube.

Vacancy: open PhD position at Rotterdam School of Management

Are you passionate about research on how businesses in past and present can be key drivers of social change? Then Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) invites you to apply before 15 January for our open PhD project. Topics of this research program include alternative organization forms such as social enterprises and partnerships, as well as alternative governance regimes such as commons and cooperatives. Research group Institutions for Collective Action one of the participants in this open PhD project We welcome applications from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, including history, social sciences and management sciences. See the RSM website for more information.

Commoning in the care sector: open seminar talk by Leonie van Meeteren

Leonie van Meeteren, director business operations of care organization Amerpoort, was the guest speaker of research group Institutions for Collective Action on 14 December. She talked about her research on factors that contribute to commoning in the care sector to address social dilemmas, especially when both state and market mechanisms cannot provide the care that is required or desirable. Next week, our guest will be Jovana Karanovic of Rotterdam School of Management.

Collective Action and Governance in Worker Cooperatives: double open seminar talk by Adrien Billiet (KU Leuven) and Marco Lomuscio (UniTrento)

On 6 December, PhD students Marco Lomuscio (university of Trento) and Adrien Billiet (university of Leuven) made presentations entitled ‘Entrepreneurship and collective actions in worker-recovered enterprises’ and ’Beyond elections: The impact of selection methods on organizational governance dynamics’ The reflections from a practical point of view by Peter Bosmans, advisor cooperative design and strategic planning at Febecoop, made for an interesting discussion afterwards.

New team members

Research team Institutions for Collective Action is still expanding. On 1 December visiting PhD candidate Yifei Ma and community researcher Jeroen Boon started with our team. Yifei is working on forms of collective action in China. Jeroen will strenghthen our CollectieveKracht team. Welcome to them both!

25 November: Forum ‘A Call for Courageous Leadership. Transforming Business Performance for People, Planet and Profit’

On the 25th of November, 1-6PM (CET) the Center for the Economics of Mutuality Forum took place, titled ‘A Call for Courageous Leadership. Transforming business Performance for People, Planet and Profit’, about the necessary redefinition of the role of business, to benefit both people and planet. With Bruno Roche, Jan Peter Balkenende, Muriel Arts, Marlies van Wijhe and Tine De Moor. For more information, see the organizer’s website.

16 November: talk by Véronique De Herde

During an inspiring session with Véronique De Herde from Université catholique de Louvain research team Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action went from the historical development of cooperatives and the impact of new cooperative models on the diversification of dairy productions to the applicability to other sectors and a more theoretical framework.