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- Preventing overexploitation of common-pool resources with sanctioningCan graduated sanctioning encourage sustainable cooperation in common-pool resources? To encourage long-term cooperation in social dilemmas such as common-pool resources – like oil fields, grasslands … Continue reading Preventing overexploitation of common-pool resources with sanctioning
- Collective action in water management in early modern HollandWater is inherently circular. It cannot escape the hydrologic cycle and will re-emerge time and again as water. In the seventeenth century, city dwellers of … Continue reading Collective action in water management in early modern Holland
- Paper on the assets and challenges of a social economy-based embedding of the circular economyThe paper “Embedding circularity: Theorizing the social economy, its potential, and its challenges” is published online in the Ecological Economics journal. The authors, Thomas Bauwens, … Continue reading Paper on the assets and challenges of a social economy-based embedding of the circular economy
- Research on crowdsourcing: how to attract and engage volunteers online?Crowdsourcing, or harnessing the power of volunteers online, has become increasingly popular. Especially among public libraries, museums, archives and research institutions. However, attracting volunteers and … Continue reading Research on crowdsourcing: how to attract and engage volunteers online?
- Encyclopedia of Social InnovationThe Encyclopedia of Social Innovation offers an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview of the field of social innovation, providing an insightful view into potential future developments … Continue reading Encyclopedia of Social Innovation
- Van Klingeren, F., and De Moor, T., 2024. Ecological motives trump financial and social considerations for cooperative energy prosumerism: measuring member motives in a Belgian energy cooperative using revealed preferences and self-reported data. Energy, Sustainability and Society 14:13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13705-024-00444-5
- Petrovics, D., Huitema, D., Giezen, M., and Vis, B., 2024. Scaling mechanisms of energy communities: A comparison of 28 initiatives. Global Environmental Change 84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102780
- Ziegler, R., Bauwens, T., Roy, M.J., Teasdale, S., Fourrier, A., and Raufflet, E., 2023. Embedding circularity: Theorizing the social economy, its potential, and its challenges.Ecological Economics 214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107970
- Groep-Foncke, M., 2023. Waste in Water. Water as Waste. Informal Collective Action in Seventeenth-Century Holland. In: De circulaire economie in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden, Djoeke van Netten & Jasper van der Steen eds., 47-66.
- Van Klingeren, F., and Buskens, V. 2023. Graduated sanctioning, endogenous institutions and sustainable cooperation in common-pool resources: An experimental test. Rationality and Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/10434631231219608
- Prats Lopez, M., Rijpma, A., De Moor, T., and Reijerink, J., 2023. Behind the Crowdsourcing Platform: Assessing Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Instruments. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1177/08997640231212839
- De Moor, T., 2023. The revival of the commons. Social ‘innovation’ or old-fashioned correction mechanism? In: Encyclopedia of Social innovation, Howaldt, J., and Kaletka, C. (Eds), 331-335. Edward Elgar.
- Bunders, D. J., & De Moor, T., 2023. Paradoxical Tensions as a Double-Edged Sword: Analysing the Development of Platform Cooperatives in the European Gig Economy. Journal of Management Inquiry. https://doi.org/10.1177/10564926231202422
- Bauwens. T., Reike, D., Calisto-Friant, M., 2023. Science for sale? Why academic marketization is a problem and what sustainability research can do about it. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 48, 100749. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2023.100749.
- De Moor, T., 2023. Shakeholder society? Social enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy. Inaugural Addresses Research in Management Series, ERIM, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- De Herde, V., 2023. Stronger together, but how? Lessons from the Walloon dairy history on the strategic relevance of cooperative models. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, June 2023. vol.11, issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcom.2023.100198
- Serres, C. and De Moor, T., 2022. Social Enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards More Institutional Diversity? In: The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law. Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies, eds. H. Peter, C. Vargas Vasserot and J. Alcalde Silva, 861–880. Springer Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14216-1_41
- De Moor, T. and Duffhues, T., 2022. Reflecties over de rol van de reactieve burger in een wereld in crisis. Bestuurswetenschappen 2-2022.
- De Moor, T. and Duffhues, T., 2021. La communauté ne date pas d’hier : vision et exercice de réflexion sur le rôle de l’auto-organisation pour les collectifs citoyens dans la société post-coronavirus. In: S. Cogolati and J. Piron eds. L’écologie en communs. 13 projets politiques pur un nouvel imaginaire de l’action collective. Ch. 11. Éditions Étopia. book chapter
- Klingeren, F. van, 2022. Using player types to understand cooperative behaviour under economic and sociocultural heterogeneity in common-pool resources: Evidence from lab experiments and agent-based models. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0268616. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0268616
- De Moor, T., and Duffhues, T., 2022. Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen: herkansing voor de erkenning van de actieve burger? De Volkskrant, 15 maart 2022.
- Bunders, D.J., Arets, M., Frenken, K., and De Moor, T., 2022. The feasibility of platform cooperatives in the gig economy. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 10 (1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcom.2022.100167
- Serres, C., Hudon, M. and Maon, F., 2022. Social corporations under the spotlight: A governance
perspective. Journal of Business Venturing (37,3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2022.106192 - Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Bravo, G., Farjam, M., Van Weeren, R., Forsman, A.,
and De Moor, T., 2021. Long-Term Dynamics of Institutions: Using ABM as a Complementary
Tool to Support Theory Development in Historical Studies. Journal of Artificial Societies and
Social Simulation 24 (4) 7. https://doi.org/10.18564/jasss.4706
- De Moor, T., Farjam, M., Van Weeren, R., Bravo, G., Forsman A., Ghorbani, A., and Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., 2021. Taking sanctioning seriously: The impact of sanctions on the resilience of historical commons in Europe Journal of Rural Studies 87, 181-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.08.009
- De Moor, T. and Duffhues, T., 2021. La communauté ne date pas d’hier : vision et exercice de réflexion sur le rôle de l’auto-organisation pour les collectifs citoyens dans la société post-coronavirus. In: L’écologie en communs. 13 projets politiques pur un nouvel imaginaire de l’action collective, eds. S. Cogolati and J. Piron, Ch. 11. Éditions Étopia.
- De Moor, T. and Duffhues, T., 2021. De gemeenschap is niet van gisteren: gedachtenexperiment over de rol van zelforganisatie door burgercollectieven in de post-coronasamenleving. In: J. Van Bavel, D. De Coninck, and P. Puschmann, eds. Neurotic Doubt and Sacred Curiosity. Neurotische twijfelzucht en heilige verwondering: Essays in Honour of Koen Matthijs, 401-422. Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven. Liber Amicorum Koen Matthijs.
- De Moor, T., 2021. Three waves of cooperation. A millennium of institutions for collective action in historical perspective (Case-study: The Netherlands). In: Oxford Handbook on International Economic Governance and Market Regulation, eds. E. Brousseau, J.M. Glachant, and J. Sgard. Oxford University Press.
- Driessen, E. and De Moor, T., 2021. De BV-m: zwevend tussen nut en noodzaak. Nederlands Juristenblad 31, 2595-2598.
- De Moor, T. and Duffhues, T., 2021. Burgercollectieven als go-between tussen burger en overheid in en na crisistijden. Coronapapers 4 februari 2021.
- Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Herder, P., Farjam, M., Forsman, A., van Weeren, R., De Moor, T., and Bravo, G., 2021. The Role of Wealth Inequality on Collective Action for Management of Common Pool Resource. In: Ahrweiler P., Neumann M. (eds) Advances in Social Simulation. ESSA 2019. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61503-1_36
- Vriens, E., Buskens, V., and De Moor, T., 2021. Networks and new mutualism: how embeddedness influences commitment and trust in small mutuals. Socio-Economic Review 19(3), 1149–1170. https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwz050
- Bunders, D.J., 2021. Platform Economy Puzzles. A multidisciplinary Perspective on Gig Work. In: Meijerink, J., Jansen, G., and Daskalova, V. eds. Gigs of their own: reinventing worker cooperativism in the platform economy and its implications for collective action. Elgar Online. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781839100284.00019
- Forsman, A., De Moor, T., Van Weeren, R., Farjam, M., Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., and Bravo, G., 2021. Comparisons of historical Dutch commons inform about the long-term dynamics of social-ecological systems. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0256803. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256803
- Van Weeren, R. and De Moor, T., 2021. Counting couples. The marriage banns registers of the city of Amsterdam, 1580-1810. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1163/24523666-06010002
- Vriens, E., 2021. Mutualism in the 21st century. The why, when, and how behind successful risk-sharing institutions (dissertation).
- De Moor, T. and Duffhues, T., 2020. Burgercollectieven op zoek naar veerkracht. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken, 8(4), 52-56.
- De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Karlas E. and Veldsink, C., 2020. Krachtiger als collectief, uitdagingen van burgercollectieven in Nederland anno 2020. Buurtwijs 5 december 2020.
- Weeren, R. van, and De Moor, T., 2020. Waarom vrouwen voor het begijnhof kozen. Geschiedenis Magazine 55(6), 37-41.
- Forsman, A., De Moor, T., van Weeren, R., Bravo G., Ghorbani, A., Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., and Farjam, M., 2020. Eco-evolutionary perspectives on emergence, dispersion and dissolution of historical Dutch commons. PLoS ONE 15(7):e0236471.
- De Moor, T. 2020. Meer ruimte voor de ‘commons’? Sociale Vraagstukken, www.socialevraagstukken.nl [23/05/2020; in Dutch].
- De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., and Vriens, E. 2020. Burgercollectieven staan klaar om de post-coronasamenleving vorm te geven. De Groene Amsterdammer, www.groene.nl [04/05/2020; in Dutch].
- De Moor, T. 2020. De prosociale burger als copiloot. www.publiekdenken.nl [31/03/2020; in Dutch].
- Vriens, E. and De Moor, T. 2020. Mutuals on the Move: Exclusion Processes in the Welfare State and the Rediscovery of Mutualism. Social Inclusion, 8(1), 225-237. https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v8i1.2125.
- Farjam, M., De Moor, T., Van Weeren, R., Forsman, A., Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., and Bravo, G. 2020. Shared Patterns in Long-Term Dynamics of Commons as Institutions for Collective Action. International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), 78–90. http://doi.org/10.5334/ijc.959.
- Labanca, N., Guimarães Pereira, A., Watson, M., Krieger, K., Padovan, D., Watts, L., Moezzi, M., Wallenborn, G., Wright, R., Laes, E., Fath, B.D., Ruzzenenti, F., De Moor, T., Bauwens, T., and Mehtam, L., 2020. Transforming innovation for decarbonisation? Insights from combining complex systems and social practice perspectives. Energy Research & Social Science 65, art. 101452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2020.101452
- Varró, K. and Bunders, D., 2019. Bringing back the national to the study of globally circulating policy ideas: ‘Actually existing smart urbanism’ in Hungary and the Netherlands. European Urban and Regional Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969776419893731
- De Moor, T., Rijpma, A., and Prats López, M., 2019. Dynamics of Engagement in Citizen Science: Results from the “Yes, I Do!”-Project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 4(1), art. 38. https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.212
- Vriens, E., Buskens, B. and De Moor, T., 2019. Networks and new mutualism: how embeddedness influences commitment and trust in small mutuals. Socio-Economic Review https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwz050
- De Moor, T., 2019. Over oude burgercollectieven en burgercollectieven door en voor ouderen. Gerōn 23(1) https://gerontijdschrift.nl/artikelen/over-oude-burgercollectieven-en-burgercollectieven-door-en-voor-ouderen/
- Van de Velde, K., Holemans, D., and De Moor, T., 2019. Wanneer burgers samen het heft in handen nemen (deel 1): Burgercollectieven opgericht in 2015 en 2016 van naderbij bekeken. Tijdschrift Oikos 90(2), 66-87.
- Bunders, D.J., and Varró, K., 2019. Problematizing data-driven urban practices: Insights from five Dutch ‘smart cities’. Cities 93, 145-152.
- Haller, T. et al., 2019. The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Routledge Publishers.
- Van Zanden, J.L., De Moor, T., and Carmichael, S., 2019. Capital Women: The European Marriage Pattern, Female Empowerment and Economic Development in Western Europe 1300-1800. Oxford University Press.
- Van Weeren, R. and De Moor, T., 2019. Ja, ik wil! Verliefd, verloofd, getrouw in Amsterdam 1580-1810. Amsterdam: Prometheus.
- De Moor, T. 2019. From Historical Institution to pars pro toto: the Commons and Their Revival in Historical Perspective. In: Routledge Handbook of the Study of the Commons, eds. Blake Hudson, Jonathan Rosenbloom, and Dan Cole, Chapter 24. London / New York: Routledge.
- De Moor, T., 2018. Revealing historical resilience. In: R. Boyd et al., Tragedy Revisited. Science 362(6420), 1236-1241 (1238). http://science.sciencemag.org/content/362/6420/1236
- De Moor, T., 2018. De toekomst van bewonersoverlegorganisaties: Alleen inspraak is niet langer voldoende. Sociaal Bestek 8, 52-54.
- Antonides, L., Witte, C., and De Moor, T., 2018. Alleen inspraak organiseren is niet meer genoeg. Sociale Vraagstukken.
- Boele, A., Störmer, C., Gellatly, C., and De Moor, T., 2018. Distant relatives? Demographic determinants of long-term developments in intergenerational proximity, The Netherlands 1650–1899. History of the Family https://doi.org/10.1080/1081602X.2018.1454338
- Störmer, C, Gellatly, C., Boele, A. and De Moor, T. 2017. Long-Term Trends in Marriage Timing and the Impact of Migration, the Netherlands (1650-1899). Historical Life Course Studies (Special Issue 1), 40-68. https://doi.org/10.51964/hlcs9327.
- Boele, A. and De Moor, T., 2017. ‘Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care’: a new perspective on the specialization in the elderly care sector in early modern Holland. The Economic History Review 71(2), 437-463. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ehr.12489
- Gellatly, C. and Störmer, C., 2017. How does marriage affect length of life? Analysis of a French historical dataset from an evolutionary perspective. Journal of Evolution & Human behavior. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2017.02.002
- De Moor, T. 2017. Een stad voor vrouwen. Begijnen en begijnhoven in vroegmodern Europa. In: Jaarboek van het Felix Timmermans-Genootschap, 119-127. Lier: Felix Timmermans-Genootschap.
- Gellatly, C. and Petrie, M., 2016. Prenatal sex selection and female infant mortality are more common in India after firstborn and second-born daughters. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2017.02.002
- Laborda Pemán, M. and De Moor, T., 2016. History and the commons: A necessary conversation. International Journal of the Commons 10(2), 516-28. https://doi.org/10.18352/ijc.769.
- De Moor, T., , Laborda Pemán, M., Lana Berasaín, J.M., van Weeren, R., and Winchester, A., 2016. Ruling the commons. Introducing a new methodology for the analysis of historical commons. International Journal of the Commons 10(2), 529-88. https://doi.org/10.18352/ijc.760.
- Weeren, R. van, and Boele, A., 2016. Het West-Europese huwelijkspatroon: Beter laat en soms wel nooit? Gen 22 (3), 30-35.
- Carmichael, S.G., de Pleijt, A., van Zanden, J.L., and De Moor, T., 2016. The European Marriage Pattern and its measurement. Journal of Economic History 76(1), 196-204.
- Boele, A.H., 2016. Review of M.R. Kremer (2013), Huwelijk en Vermogen. Een (rechts)historische casestudy naar de verzorging van de langstlevende echtgenoot in de stad Groningen onder doopsgezinden (1699-1809). (Amsterdam: Kluwer). Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis 13(1): 138-40. http://doi.org/10.18352/tseg.8
- De Moor, T. 2016. Dare to dig! More history is needed to take historical demography a few steps further…. In: The future of historical demography: Upside down and inside out, eds K. Matthys, S. Hin, J. Kok, and H. Matsuo, 16-18. Leuven: Acco.
- Willführ, K. and Störmer, C., 2016. Crop prices and demographic outcomes – A critical re-evaluation of the proxy. In: The future of historical demography: Upside down and inside out, eds K. Matthys, S. Hin, J. Kok, and H. Matsuo, 181-184. Leuven: Acco.
- Research report Aedes-Actiz Knowledge Centre for Housing and Care (Internship project master’s programme Politics and Society in Historical Perspective, Utrecht University).
- Research report Amsterdams Steunpunt Wonen (Internship project master’s programme Politics and Society in Historical Perspective, Utrecht University).
- Research report BroodFondsmakers (Internship project master’s programme Politics and Society in Historical Perspective, Utrecht University).
- Research report Het Pon (Internship project master’s programme Politics and Society in Historical Perspective, Utrecht University).
- Hoveling, M. and Heukers, C., 2016. Coöperaties in Nederland. Coöperaties (NCR) (Internship project master’s programme Politics and Society in Historical Perspective, Utrecht University).
- Noy, F. and Holemans, D., 2016. Burgercollectieven in kaart gebracht. Oikos Magazine (Internship project master’s programme Politics and Society in Historical Perspective, Utrecht University). See also this article in De Standaard.
- Boele, A., 2015. De potentie van creatieve ouderen. Online-publication on www.dekennisvannu.nl
- Boele, A., Leisink, P., De Moor, T., and Harkes, D., 2015. Zorgcoöperaties staan niet meer lijnrecht tegenover zorgorganisaties. Online-publication on www.socialevraagstukken.nl
- Boele, A., Leisink, P., ten Brinke, N., den Dulk, B., 2015. It takes two to tango. Succes- en faalfactoren in de samenwerking tussen zorgorganisaties en zorgcoöperaties. Online publication, www.kenniscentrumwonenzorg.nl
- Willführ, K. and Störmer, C., 2015. Social Strata Differentials in Reproductive Behavior among Agricultural Families in the Krummhörn Region (East Frisia, 1720-1874). Historical Life Course Studies 2, 58-85. https://doi.org/10.51964/hlcs9359.
- Boele, A., van Dixhoorn, A. and van Houwelingen, P. , 2015. Vroeger voor vandaag. Heden-verledenvergelijkingen voor praktisch gebruik. Beleid en Maatschappij 42(3), 224-43.
- Rusch, H. and Störmer, C., 2015. An evolutionary perspective on war heroism. Militaire Spectator 184(3), 140-50.
- De Moor, T. and Tukker, A., 2015. Survival without sanctioning: The relationship between instituional resilience and methods of dealing with free-riding on early modern Dutch commons. In: Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes [Rural History Yearbook] 2015, 12, Ländliche Gemeingüter/Rural Commons, eds N. Grüne, J. Hübner, and G. Siegl, 175-206. Innsbruck/Vienna/Bolzano: StudienVerlag. https://doi.org/10.25365/rhy-2015-15.
- De Moor, T., 2015. Inleiding: what we have in common [‘Introduction: what we have in common’]. In: De energietransitie naar energiedemocratie: ‘Power to the people’ [The energy transition to energy democracy: Power to the people], ed. Dirk Vansintjan, 7-11. S.l.: REScoop.eu.
- Boselie. P., van der Lippe, T., De Moor, T., Pennings, F., Schippers, J., and Taris, T., 2015. Op weg naar een duurzame arbeidsmarkt [transl.: ‘On the road to a sustainable labour market’]. Utrecht: Utrecht University.
- Gellatly, C., 2015. Reconstructing historical population from genealogical data files. In: Population reconstruction, eds. Gerrit Bloothooft, Peter Christen, Kees Mandemakers, and Marijn Schraagen, 111-28. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- De Moor, T., 2015. The Dilemma of the Commoners. Understanding the Use of Common Pool Resources in Long-Term Perspective. Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Weeren, R. van, and De Moor, T., 2014. Controlling the commoners: Methods to prevent, detect, and punish free-riding on Dutch commons in the early modern period. Agricultural History Review 62(2), 256-77.
- Lana Berasaín, J., 2014. “Esta especie de socialismo campesino… manso y tranquilo”. Un estado de la cuestión desde la historia rural española. Revista Mexicana de Sociología 76(5; special issue dedicated to Elinor Ostrom), 167-97.
- De Moor, T., Boele, A. H., and Harkes, D., 2014. Vergrijzing kan ook een motor zijn voor vernieuwende burgercollectieven. Online-publication on www.socialevraagstukken.nl
- Fink-Jensen, J. and De Moor, T., 2014. Ook minder ‘avontuurlijke’ zelfstandigen sluiten zich nu aan bij een Broodfonds. Online-publication on www.socialevraagstukken.nl
- De Moor, T., 2014. Single, Safe, and Sorry? Explaining the Early Modern Beguine Movement in the Low Countries. Journal of Family History 39(1), 3-21.
- Boele, A., Bouman, A., and De Moor, T., 2014. Commerciële huishoudens? De gevolgen van het Europese huwelijkspatroon en de inzet van niet-familiale hulp als overlevingsstrategie voor ouderen in het vroegmoderne Holland (casus: Leiden). In: Kwetsbare groepen in/en historische demografie. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Jaarboek Historische Demografie 2014, eds. Isabella de Vos, Koen Matthijs, en Bart Van de Putte, 21-46. Leuven / Den Haag: Acco.
- De Moor, T., 2014. Co-operating for the future: inspiration from the European past to develop public-collective partnerships and intergenerational co-operatives. In: Protecting future generations through commons., Trends in social cohesion series 26, eds. Saki Baily, Gilda Farrell, and Ugo Mattei, 81-104. Strasbourg Cedex: Council of Europe Publishing.
- De Moor, T., 2013. The power from below: understanding Europe’s historical institutional diversity. Online-publication for Atomium Culture, [November 21, 2013].
- De Moor, T., 2013. Moeten alfa’s minder onderzoek doen? Onzin. Online-publication on www.DUB.uu.nl, [October 29, 2013].
- De Moor, T., 2013. Die Kraft von unten. Online-publication for Atomium Culture on the Wissen, webpage of Frankfurter Allgemeine [October 23, 2013].
- De Moor, T., 2013. Niet crisis, maar doorgeschoten vermarkting zet burgers aan tot zelf-organisatie. Online-publication on www.socialevraagstukken.nl
- De Moor, T., 2013. De herontdekking van het Collectief. SamPol (4), pp. 29-38.
- Humphries, J., De Moor, T. and Zuijderduijn, J., 2013. Introduction. European Review of Economic History 17(2; special issue on marriage patterns, household formation, and economic development), pp. 141-6.
- De Moor, T. and Zuijderduijn, J., 2013. Preferences of the poor: market participation and asset management of poor households in sixteenth-century Holland. European Review of Economic History 17(2), pp. 233-49.
- Laborda Pemán, M. and De Moor, T., 2013. A tale of two commons. Some preliminary hypotheses on the long-term development of the commons in Western and Eastern Europe, 11th-19th centuries. International Journal of the Commons 7(1), pp. 7-33. https://doi.org/10.18352/ijc.355.
- Van Laerhoven, F. and De Moor, T., 2013. Open Access: tijd voor een doorbraak. Digitaal Universiteitsblad, January 29, 2013
- Zuijderduijn, J. and De Moor, T., 2013. The art of counting. Reconstructing numeracy in the middle and upper classes on the basis of portraits in the early modern Low Countries. Historical Methods 46 (1), pp. 41-56
- Zuijderduijn, C.J. and De Moor, T., 2013. Spending, saving or investing? Risk management in sixteenth-century Dutch households. Economic History Review 66 (1), pp. 36-51.
- De Moor, T., 2013. Homo cooperans. Instituties voor collectieve actie en de solidaire samenleving. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities.
- De Moor, T., 2013. Homo cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities.
- Zuijderduijn, J., 2012. De schuldvraag. Monetaire politiek, publieke schuld en wanbetaling in Holland, ca. 1466-1489. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9 (3), pp. 27-46.
- De Moor, T., 2012. Burgerschap 2.0 kan gelijkheid wél bevorderen. Online-publication on www.socialevraagstukken.nl
- De Moor, Tine, and Van Zanden, Jan Luiten, 2012. Een reactie van De Moor en Van Zanden op het TSEG-artikel van Manon van der Heijden, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk en Ariadne Schmidt: ‘Terugkeer van het patriarchaat? Vrije vrouwen in de republiek’. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9 (2), pp. 61-72. https://doi.org/10.18352/tseg.266.
- De Moor, Tine, 2012. What do we have in common? A comparative framework for old and new literature on the commons. International Review of Social History 57, pp. 269-90. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002085901200020X.
- Strulik, H. and Weisdorf, J.L., 2012. How Child Costs and Survival Shaped the Industrial Revolution and the Demographic Transition. Macroeconomic Dynamics.
- De Moor, Tine, 2012. Von der Allmende zu den globalen commons: Eine historische Analyse interdisziplinärer Annäherungen an die commons. Juridikum (2; issue Commons: Gemeingüter und das Gemeinschaftliche), 186-97.
- Weisdorf, J.L. and Klemp, M., 2012. The lasting damage to mortality of early-life adversity. European Review of Economic History. https://doi.org/10.1093/ereh/hes003
- De Moor, T., 2012. De herontdekking van het collectief. Online-publication on www.socialevraagstukken.nl
- Zuijderduijn, C.J., van Zanden, J.L., and De Moor, T., 2012. “Small is beautiful”; on the efficiency of credit markets in late medieval Holland. European Review of Economic History, 16 (1), 3-22. https://doi.org/10.1093/ereh/her007.
- Sharp, P., Strulik, H., and Weisdorf, J.L., 2012. The determinants of income in a Malthusian equilibrium. Journal of Development Economics, 97, 112-7.
- Di Vaio, G., Waldenström, D., and Weisdorf, J.L., 2012. Citation success: evidence from economic history journal publications. Explorations in economic history, 49 (1), 92-104.
- Sharp, P. and Weisdorf, J.L., 2012. French revolution or Industrial revolution? Cliometrica, 6 (1), 79-88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11698-011-0071-6.
- De Moor, T., 2012. “In Tempore Non Suspecto.” Understanding the historical roots of Europe’s commons dilemmas. Commons Digest (12, Winter 2012), 3.
- De Moor, T., 2012. Inspiratie uit ons institutionele geheugen. Instituties voor collectieve actie als structurele oplossingen voor sociale dilemma’s in het Europese verleden. In: Samenwerking in sociale dilemma’s; voorbeelden van Nederlands onderzoek, Jaarboek Mens & Maatschappij 2012, eds. Vincent Buskens and Ineke Maas, 185-208. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- De Moor, T., 2011. From common pastures to global commons: a historical perspective on interdisciplinary approaches to commons. Natures, Sciences, Sociétés, 19 (4), 422-31.
- Carmichael, S., De Moor, T., and van Zanden, J.L. (2011). Introduction. The History of the Family 16 (4, Special Issue on Marriage Patterns, Household Formation, and Economic Development), 309-11.
- Boberg-Fazlic, N., Sharp, P., and Weisdorf, J.L., 2011. Survival of the richest? Patterns of fertility and social mobility in England. European Review of Economic History, 15 (3), 365-92.
- Guzman, R.A. and Weisdorf, J.L., 2011. The Neolithic Revolution from a price-theoretic perspective. Journal of Development Economics, 96 (2), 209-19.
- Zuijderduijn, J., 2011. Grave concerns: Entailment and intergenerational agency in Amsterdam (1600–1800). The History of the Family 16 (4, Special Issue on Marriage Patterns, Household Formation, and Economic Development), 343-5.
- Carmichael, S., De Moor, T., and van Zanden, J.L., 2011. “When the heart is baked, don’t try to knead it”; Huwelijksleeftijd en leeftijdsverschil tussen partners als maatstaf van ‘agency’ van vrouwen. In: Levenslopen in transformatie; liber amicorum bij het afscheid van prof. dr. Paul M.M. Klep, eds. Theo Engelen, Onno Boonstra, and Angélique Janssens, 208-21. Amsterdam: Valkhof Pers.
- De Moor, T., 2010. Participating is more important than winning: the impact of socio-economic change on commoners’ participation in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Flanders. Continuity and Change, 25 (3), 405-33.
- De Moor, T. and van Zanden, J.L., 2010. Girlpower. The European marriage pattern (EMP) and labour markets in the north sea region in the late medieval and early modern period. The Economic History Review, 63 (1) 1-33.
- Zuijderduijn, J. and De Moor, T., 2010. Tel uit je winst; markteconomie en gecijferdheid in de late Middeleeuwen. Madoc, 24 (3), 130-9.
- De Moor, T. and van Zanden, J.L., 2010. “Every woman counts”; a gender-analysis of numeracy in the Low Countries during the early modern period. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 41 (2), 179-208.
- De Moor, T., 2010. Inleiding. De rol van instituties voor collectieve actie in de vroegmoderne samenleving. Leidschrift, 25 (2), 7-19.
- De Moor, T., 2009. Wat we zelf doen, doen we beter? Op de virtuele zeepkist; een week discussie in de Open Data Speakers Corner, 37-8.
- Van Bavel, B., De Moor, T., and van Zanden, J.L., 2009. Factor markets in global economic history (Introduction to the Special Issue on Factor Markets). Continuity and Change, 24 (1, Special Issue on Factor Markets in Global Economic History), 9-21.
- De Moor, T., 2009. Avoiding tragedies; A Flemish common and its commoners under the pressure of social and economic change during the eighteenth century. The Economic History Review, 62 (1), 1-22.
- De Moor, T., van Zanden, J.L., and Zuijderduijn, J., 2009. Micro-credit in late medieval Waterland; Households and the efficiency of capital markets in Edam and De Zeevang, 1462-1563. In: La famiglia nell’ economia europea; secc. XIII-XVIII / The economic role of the family from the 13th to the 18th centuries, eds. S. Cavaciocchi, 631-68. Firenze: Firenze University Press.
- De Moor, T. and van Zanden, J.L., 2008. Van fouten kan je leren; Een kritische benadering van de mogelijkheden van ‘leeftijdstapelen’ voor sociaal-economisch onderzoek naar gecijferdheid in het pre-industriële Vlaanderen en Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 5 (4), 55-88. [In Dutch]
- Van Zanden, J.L. and De Moor, T. , 2008. Mensen en economie in de Gouden eeuw. Leidschrift, 23 (2), 1-12.
- Lucassen, J., De Moor, T., and van Zanden, J.L., 2008. The Return of the Guilds: Towards a global history of the guilds in pre-industrial times. The International Review of Social History, 53 (Supplement 16, Special Issue on ‘The Return of the Guilds’), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859008003581.
- De Moor, T., 2008. The Silent Revolution: A new perspective on the emergence of commons, guilds, and other forms of corporate collective action in Western Europe. The International Review of Social History, 53 (Supplement 16, Special Issue on ‘The Return of the Guilds’), 175-208. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859008003660.
- Van Bavel, B., De Moor, T., and van Zanden, J.L., 2008. The institutional organization of land markets: Introduction. Continuity and Change, 23 (1, Special Issue on The Institutional Organization of Land Markets), 9-11.
- Bravo, G. and De Moor, T., 2008. The commons in Europe: From past to future. International Journal of the Commons, 2 (2, Special Issue on The Commons in Europe: From Past to Future), 155-61. https://doi.org/10.18352/ijc.98.
- De Moor, T. and van Zanden, J.L., 2008. Do ut des; Collaboratories as a ‘new’ method for scholarly communication and cooperation for global and world history. Historical Methods, 41 (2), 67-78.
- De Moor, T. and Berge, E., 2007. Welcome to the International Journal of the Commons. The International Journal of the Commons, 1 (1), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.18352/ijc.77.
- De Moor, T., 2007. The past is not another country; The long-term historical development of commons as a source of inspiration for research and policy. Commons-Digest. Quarterly Publication of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, (4) 1-4.
- De Moor, T., 2007. Het belang van participatie voor economische sociabiliteit; Gemene gronden in het Vlaanderen van de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. De Achttiende eeuw, 39 (2), 41-59.
- De Moor, T., 2007. La función del común; La trayectoria de un communal en Flandes durante los siglos XVIII y XIX. In: Campos cerrados, debates abiertos; Analysis historico y propriedad de la tierra in Europa (siglos XVI – XIX), eds. Rosa Congost and José Miguel Lana, 111-40. Pamplona: Universidad Publica de Navarra.