Learn about the role of energy communities in the energy transition

APESA, a technology center focused on transitions, organizes the online learning event: ‘Citizen involvement through the Citizen Energy Cooperatives’.

Thomas Bauwens, Assistant Professor of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, joined a panel and discuss the role of energy communities in the energy transition. Joining him in the panel are Louis de Fontenelle, Assistant Professor at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and Antonia Proka, an Energy Transition Expert and Project Manager at RESCOOP.

The event is a key component of the SIreNERGY project, which is financed under the Interreg Europe program that addresses the greener, low-carbon transition towards a net zero-carbon economy. The project aims to facilitate the knowledge exchange and skill development among partners and stakeholders. It provides a platform for in-depth exploration of citizen engagement in energy cooperatives, an organization where citizens collaboratively own and participate in renewable energy or energy efficiency projects.