Nacht of CollectieveKracht

On 16 September the first physical event of CollectieveKracht took place: ‘de Nacht van CollectieveKracht’. Look back on this interesting evening by watching the aftermovie on Youtube.

Were you not able to attend the event? Or would you like to revisit the topics discussed? Our website features recordings, cartoons and reports (in Dutch) from the event:

Opinion article: Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen: herkansing voor de erkenning van de actieve burger?

In een opinieartikel in de Volkskrant riepen Tine De Moor en Ton Duffhues (Rotterdam School of Management) lokale overheden op om in gesprek te gaan met actieve burgers die in hun eigen omgeving uitdagingen op het gebied van wonen, zorg, energie, voedsel en natuur aanpakken. Lees het hele artikel, inclusief de voorbeelden van Herenboerderij Wenumseveld, Austerlitz Zorgt en energiecoöperatie Sterk op Stroom op de website van De Volkskrant.

Rules and sanctions in long-lasting fishery cooperatives, Double open seminar talk by Florian Grisel and Grant Halliday

On 9 March, research team Institutions for Collective Action had a double open seminar. Grant Halliday, historian and research intern at RSM Erasmus University, gave an insight into the development of rules and sanctions in medieval and early-modern fishery cooperatives in Spain. Dr. Florian Grisel, associate professor at the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, complemented Halliday’s findings with a presentation about another fishery cooperative, the Prud’homie de Pêche of Marseille. In the subsequent discussion, the attendants considered the existence of norms versus formal legal structures, as well as the continuation of such organizations over centuries.

Launch of the CollectieveKracht platform for citizen cooperatives

How do scientists use their knowledge to solve problems faced by today’s citizen collectives? How do policy makers reflect on the collectives’ challenges? And where do financiers come into the picture? The answers to these questions and more were discussed in a livecast on 11 February 2022. This event launched a new, transdisciplinary knowledge exchange platform for citizen collectives: CollectieveKracht.