Encyclopedia of Social Innovation

The Encyclopedia of Social Innovation offers an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview of the field of social innovation, providing an insightful view into potential future developments both practically and theoretically.

The 77 entries by prominent international scholars cover a variety of key themes including social innovation ecosystems, co-creation, new technologies and methods, education, governance and policies. One of the chapters focuses on the revival of the commons. It is written by professor Tine De Moor from the Rotterdam School of Management. Find more information on the book here.

‘Strong together? Citizen collectives solve problems unheeded by the government’ – Interview with Tine De Moor

De Volkskrant had an interview with Tine De Moor about 1000 years of history of institutions for collective action (a.k.a. commons) and the relevance of citizen collectives in our present-day society. ‘Problems such as climate change and the capacity of healthcare provision are too urgent to re-invent the wheel over and over again.’ The article can be found here: Samen sterk. Burgercollectieven lossen problemen op die de overheid laat liggen. See this page for a translation in English.

Inaugural lecture Tine De Moor: ‘Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy’

On 17 February Prof Tine De Moor publicly accepted her appointment as professor of Social Enterprises and Institutions for Collective Action at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University with an inaugural lecture entitled Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy.

How to deal with the grand challenges of our current society? We know what to do, often discuss who should be taking the lead in this (governments? companies? consumers?) and there are many technological innovations that could help but we still fall short of making our economy more regenerative. Can a focus on an economy steered by the needs and collective action of citizens help us forward? Do citizens want to be involved and if so what happens already today? What are the benefits but also potential negative effects and pitfalls of enabling cooperative social enterprises? In “Shakeholder society?” Tine De Moor looks at the possibilities of bringing the roles of stakeholders and shareholders closer together.

If you would like to (re)watch the lecture, you can do so below!

Symposium – From science to society: evidence-based lessons for (cooperative) social enterprises

On 17 February, our symposium “From science to society: evidence-based lessons for (cooperative) social enterprises” took place, followed by prof. dr. Tine De Moor’s inaugural lecture entitled: “Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy”. We would like to thank all (online) attendees for attending these events! We hope everyone found it as interesting as we did.

We are already looking forward to the next event! In the meantime, if you would like to look back at the symposium, you can do so below!