On Tuesday 17 January, Dr. Nadia von Jacobi and Sara Lorenzini were the guests in our open seminar series. Von Jacobi is an Assistant Professor and Sara Lorenzini a PhD candidate at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento. Their interest lies predominantly in ways to ‘amplify’ citizen knowledge in the management of natural capital. Von Jacobi and Lorenzini talked about forests as commons.
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Chapter on social enterprises in the Netherlands
Coline Serres and Tine De Moor published their chapter “Social Enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards More Institutional Diversity?” in The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law. It’s open access and can be found on the publishers website.
Inaugural lecture Tine De Moor
On 17 February 2023, prof. Tine De Moor will hold her inaugural lecture entitled “Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy”. The ceremony will start promptly at 16:00 hrs in the Aula of the university (Erasmus building), Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 Rotterdam. Read more...
The reception will take place in the same building afterwards. If you wish to attend the lecture in person, we kindly request you to register via this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/445089333177. A digital copy of the lecture will be provided afterwards.
Full professors are invited to participate with a gown in the academic procession. We kindly request them to be present from 15:30 hrs on the first floor of the Erasmus (A) Building, near the rector’s room.
If you are unable to attend, you can also attend the inaugural lecture via livestream: https://eur.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=73044ca2-67ab-477c-ad70-af5b00a38398
Werkconferentie Coöperatieven maken de stad (Dutch due to scope)
Een keur van gasten kwam op maandag 17 januari 2022 vanaf 16.00 uur langs tijdens de online werkconferentie Coöperatieven maken de stad: van Marleen Stikker (Waag Society), Tine De Moor (RSM) en Rutger Groot Wassink (gemeente Amsterdam) tot vele vertegenwoordigers van buurtinitiatieven en burgercollectieven. Samen gingen ze in gesprek over de samenwerking tussen burgers en overheid, juridische aspecten en de kracht en betekenis van de coöperatieve beweging in allerlei sectoren. The recordings can be found here.
Vacancy: open PhD position at Rotterdam School of Management
Are you passionate about research on how businesses in past and present can be key drivers of social change? Then Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) invites you to apply before 15 January for our open PhD project. Topics of this research program include alternative organization forms such as social enterprises and partnerships, as well as alternative governance regimes such as commons and cooperatives. Research group Institutions for Collective Action one of the participants in this open PhD project We welcome applications from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, including history, social sciences and management sciences. See the RSM website for more information.
Commoning in the care sector: open seminar talk by Leonie van Meeteren
Leonie van Meeteren, director business operations of care organization Amerpoort, was the guest speaker of research group Institutions for Collective Action on 14 December. She talked about her research on factors that contribute to commoning in the care sector to address social dilemmas, especially when both state and market mechanisms cannot provide the care that is required or desirable. Next week, our guest will be Jovana Karanovic of Rotterdam School of Management.
Meet our new team members!
We welcome George Varthalamis and Grant Halliday, who joined us as research interns. George is a food scientist and MBA who will look into the life cycle of agricultural cooperatives and the co-creation of sustainable collective businesses. Grant is a historian, focusing on the evolution of fishing cooperatives throughout western Europe. Visit our team page for more information.