SEICA Open Seminar Talk: David Soto-Oñate

Join us for the next Open Seminar Talk where SEICA visiting fellow Dr. David Soto-Oñate will present a work in progress project called "A polycentric approach for a post-growth social order". Below you can find the abstract. Please send an email to if you would like to attend this seminar online. 

Research seminar -‘Together: The Dimensions of Collectivity in Collaborative Housing’

Professor Darinka Czischke and PhD researcher Sara Lia Brysch organize a discussion that will feature insights of two recent publications: 'Together: Towards Collaborative Living' (Czischke, Peute & Brysch) and 'Towards a new Existenzminimum: defining principles for the design of affordable collaborative housing' (Brysch). The seminar brings together a group of renown European scholars in the field of collective self-organized housing to reflect … Continue reading Research seminar -‘Together: The Dimensions of Collectivity in Collaborative Housing’

Workshop: Public Goods in History

The Oxford Centre for Economic and Social History organizes the workshop 'Non-rivalrous, non-excludable: an interdisciplinary workshop on the evolution of public goods in history'. It explores the evolution of public goods and how their provision is shaped by institutions and norms over time.  Economists have defined public goods as resources whose consumption by one individual … Continue reading Workshop: Public Goods in History

Oxford seminar series – Tine De Moor – ‘Spreading from below’

As part of the Economic and Social History Seminar, professor Tine De Moor from the Erasmus University Rotterdam will present a paper titled 'Spreading from below. on the diffusion and scaling of institutions for collective action in early modern Europe.' More information.

PhD defence – Gigs of their Own: Can platform cooperatives become resilient?

You are warmly invited to the PhD defence of Damion Bunders on 15 March 2024 at 10:30 in the Senaatszaal of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The dissertation is about platform cooperatives as an alternative form of organisation where gig workers own and manage a digital platform collectively. It includes an analysis of the challenges these cooperatives … Continue reading PhD defence – Gigs of their Own: Can platform cooperatives become resilient?

SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Arjan van Dorsselaer

Join us for a seminar with ­­Arjan van Dorsselaer, a PhD Candidate from Utrecht University. He studies the drivers of social entrepreneurial ecosystems and how these influence the various scaling strategies employed by social enterprises. He will present a paper titled: "From Theory to Scaling Strategy: The Role of Community Capital in Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystems".  This … Continue reading SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Arjan van Dorsselaer

Seminar Tine De Moor for the Amsterdam Business School

On March 28, Professor Tine De Moor from the Rotterdam School of Management (EUR) gives a seminar at the Amsterdam Business School (UvA), titled: ‘Contagious Institutions? A longitudinal study of institutional spill-over effects of European guilds and other forms of institutions for collective action.‘ Read the abstract here