Lecture Tine De Moor for series ‘Between Eden and the Fall’ – Leibniz University Hannover

Professor Tine De Moor from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) will give a lecture titled: ‘The commons as a form of institution for collective action, in longitudinal perspective‘. This seminar is part of Leibniz University Hannover’s summer semester lecture series ‘Between Eden and the Fall: Common Land in Early Modern and Modern Western Europe’.

SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Axel Frejman

Join us for a SEICA seminar with dr. Axel Frejman, a researcher in Classical Archaeology at Uppsala University. His research has to a large degree revolved around Greek sanctuaries in both modern-day Greece and Turkey. Special research interests include commons and shared resources. During this seminar, he will give a presentation titled: "Commons in Ancient … Continue reading SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Axel Frejman

Application deadline – PhD in Sustainability and Management

Do you want to do research on how organisations can be key drivers of social change and sustainable development? Are you, for example, interested in institutions for collective action and alternative organisational and governance forms? Then apply for a fully funded PhD position in Sustainability and Management with our department Business-Society Management (B-SM), Erasmus University.The application … Continue reading Application deadline – PhD in Sustainability and Management

Charging the Commons Workshop: Relational interface for more-than-human commons

Nieuwe Instituut Zoöp, together with the research and design initiatives Charging the Commons and Dark Matter Lab, is organising a workshop to explore how design can contribute to the technological and organisational conditions of a more-than-human consciousness. What kind of ‘relational interfaces’ can help us to imagine relationships with each other, different life forms and … Continue reading Charging the Commons Workshop: Relational interface for more-than-human commons

Meetup about Tegenlicht episode: ‘Naomi Klein and the Pull to the Right’

After the results of the European elections of June 6, we will meetup in the Rotterdam Library for inspiration for the political future. The episode of VPRO Tegenlicht about the book 'Doppelganger' by Naomi Klein is the central point of discussion during this event. According to author Klein, we must look for the answer in … Continue reading Meetup about Tegenlicht episode: ‘Naomi Klein and the Pull to the Right’

ICA CCR Europe Research Conference 2024

The overall theme of the 2024 conference in Dundee, Scotland is: ‘Co-operatives, Hybrids, and Democratic Organisations as the Future of Sustainable and Equitable Socio-Economic Development: Operationizing Co-operatives and Democratic Organizations to address contemporary challenges and problems’.

Charging the Commons Final Event | What design can contribute to commoning

Join the final event of the Charging the Commons project, where we share and discuss the insights and learnings acquired during this two-year research on how design can contribute to the commons and commoning practices. The program will be kick-started with a keynote by Prof. Marcus Foth (QUT Digital Media Research Centre) on intermediation in design as a practice … Continue reading Charging the Commons Final Event | What design can contribute to commoning


Making Housing Systems work: Evidence and Solutions Many countries are facing greater demand for housing than predicted a few years ago and living in the existing stock is becoming increasingly expensive, partly due to poor insulation and high energy prices. Housing is hardly affordable anymore for young, low- and middle-income groups, especially in larger cities. … Continue reading ENHR CONFERENCE 2024

PhD Defense Daniel Petrovics

Researcher Daniel Petrovics will defend his thesis, titled 'Rising Together: Polycentric Governance, Niche Expansion & the Scaling of Energy Communities'. This study explores how energy communities are revolutionizing Europe’s energy landscape by managing local renewable energy assets and expanding their services. These initiatives are pioneering collective action against the climate crisis at the local scale and promoting … Continue reading PhD Defense Daniel Petrovics