Collectieve-Kracht meeting : financing citizen collectives
In cooperation with KNHM and Triodos bank. More info follows.
In cooperation with KNHM and Triodos bank. More info follows.
During the event, a panel discusses the role of energy communities in the energy transition. The panel consists of: The event also includes the presentation of two European Union projects:
The Oxford Centre for Economic and Social History organizes the workshop 'Non-rivalrous, non-excludable: an interdisciplinary workshop on the evolution of public goods in history'. It explores the evolution of public goods and how their provision is shaped by institutions and norms over time. Economists have defined public goods as resources whose consumption by one individual … Continue reading Workshop: Public Goods in History
As part of the Economic and Social History Seminar, professor Tine De Moor from the Erasmus University Rotterdam will present a paper titled 'Spreading from below. on the diffusion and scaling of institutions for collective action in early modern Europe.' More information.
Professor Tine De Moor from (Erasmus University Rotterdam) will give a presentation titled ‘Spreading from below. on the diffusion and scaling of institutions for collective action in early modern Europe.’ Read more about the event here.
Join us for the next Open Seminar Talk with Dr. Enrique Santamaría Echeverría. He is a researcher at Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University and is an affiliate researcher of SEICA. His research focuses on the relations between the human body and the law. During this session Dr. Enrique Santamaría will give a presentation with … Continue reading SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Enrique Santamaría
Are you a business professional who wants to develop their academic skills? With our new part-time PhD programme, you can take part in academic study and research while maintaining your job. Especially if you are a professional working for or with social enterprises, cooperatives, citizen collectives, or alternative governance regimes such as commons, we encourage … Continue reading Application deadline – Part-time PhD programme
You are warmly invited to the PhD defence of Damion Bunders on 15 March 2024 at 10:30 in the Senaatszaal of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The dissertation is about platform cooperatives as an alternative form of organisation where gig workers own and manage a digital platform collectively. It includes an analysis of the challenges these cooperatives … Continue reading PhD defence – Gigs of their Own: Can platform cooperatives become resilient?
Join us for a seminar with Arjan van Dorsselaer, a PhD Candidate from Utrecht University. He studies the drivers of social entrepreneurial ecosystems and how these influence the various scaling strategies employed by social enterprises. He will present a paper titled: "From Theory to Scaling Strategy: The Role of Community Capital in Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystems". This … Continue reading SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Arjan van Dorsselaer
On March 28, Professor Tine De Moor from the Rotterdam School of Management (EUR) gives a seminar at the Amsterdam Business School (UvA), titled: ‘Contagious Institutions? A longitudinal study of institutional spill-over effects of European guilds and other forms of institutions for collective action.‘ Read the abstract here
Professor Tine De Moor from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) will give a lecture titled: ‘The commons as a form of institution for collective action, in longitudinal perspective‘. This seminar is part of Leibniz University Hannover’s summer semester lecture series ‘Between Eden and the Fall: Common Land in Early Modern and Modern Western Europe’.
Join us for a SEICA seminar with dr. Axel Frejman, a researcher in Classical Archaeology at Uppsala University. His research has to a large degree revolved around Greek sanctuaries in both modern-day Greece and Turkey. Special research interests include commons and shared resources. During this seminar, he will give a presentation titled: "Commons in Ancient … Continue reading SEICA Open Seminar Talk: Axel Frejman