On 6 December, PhD students Marco Lomuscio (university of Trento) and Adrien Billiet (university of Leuven) made presentations entitled ‘Entrepreneurship and collective actions in worker-recovered enterprises’ and ’Beyond elections: The impact of selection methods on organizational governance dynamics’ The reflections from a practical point of view by Peter Bosmans, advisor cooperative design and strategic planning at Febecoop, made for an interesting discussion afterwards.
Tag: news
New team members
Research team Institutions for Collective Action is still expanding. On 1 December visiting PhD candidate Yifei Ma and community researcher Jeroen Boon started with our team. Yifei is working on forms of collective action in China. Jeroen will strenghthen our CollectieveKracht team. Welcome to them both!
Our team presents… Coline Serres
In the 2nd episode of ‘Our team presents…’ we introduce our postdoctoral researcher Coline Serres. Who is this cheerful management expert who moved from France to Belgium to the Netherlands? And what does she know about the governance of social enterprises? Read further…
30 November: talk by professor Cristina Grasseni
On 30 November, anthropologist professor Cristina Grasseni from Leiden University joined our team meeting to give a lively talk about networks of people who organize direct food production and food distribution in three different cities: Turin, Gdansk and Rotterdam.
26 November: lecture ‘Coping through cooperation? Institutions for Collective Action in crises in past and present’
On Friday 26 November 14PM (CET) Tine De Moor talked at the SPRU Friday seminar of University of Sussex Business School about the changes in past and present that have brought about change in the governance of resources and what these could mean in the light of the challenges we are facing today.
25 November: Forum ‘A Call for Courageous Leadership. Transforming Business Performance for People, Planet and Profit’
On the 25th of November, 1-6PM (CET) the Center for the Economics of Mutuality Forum took place, titled ‘A Call for Courageous Leadership. Transforming business Performance for People, Planet and Profit’, about the necessary redefinition of the role of business, to benefit both people and planet. With Bruno Roche, Jan Peter Balkenende, Muriel Arts, Marlies van Wijhe and Tine De Moor. For more information, see the organizer’s website.
16 November: talk by Véronique De Herde
During an inspiring session with Véronique De Herde from Université catholique de Louvain research team Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action went from the historical development of cooperatives and the impact of new cooperative models on the diversification of dairy productions to the applicability to other sectors and a more theoretical framework.
9 November: first meeting of the CollectieveKracht Finance lab
On 9 November a group of financiers considered the question how the CollectieveKracht knowledge platform can support both citizen collectives and financial institutions, meeting the challenges that both parties face. ICA team member Max de Vriend presented some results of his research and of the report Krachtiger als Collectief.
9 November: talk by Marco Casari
Marco Casari from the University of Bologna shared some interesting results of his longitudinal research of commons in the Italian Alps with the research team Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action, together with his colleagues Maurizio Lisciandra and Ali Saral. Afterwards, we had an compelling discussion.
Meet our new team members!
We welcome George Varthalamis and Grant Halliday, who joined us as research interns. George is a food scientist and MBA who will look into the life cycle of agricultural cooperatives and the co-creation of sustainable collective businesses. Grant is a historian, focusing on the evolution of fishing cooperatives throughout western Europe. Visit our team page for more information.