Event sheds light on financing challenges of citizen collectives

On 25 January, we brought together 130 initiators of citizen collectives, policymakers, scientists and financiers to look for concrete solutions to the financial bottlenecks of citizen collectives.

We organised the sold-out event ‘Financing collective value(s): from challenges to solutions’ together with Triodos Bank and Katalys. The day was opened by Tine De Moor, professor of Social Enterprises & Institutions for Collective Action. De Moor: ‘Citizen collectives regularly experience financial challenges, both due to a lack of policy for this form of governance and due to a lack of confidence in their operation. This is mainly because governments and financial institutions have little to no experience with citizen collectives.’

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Publication on scaling mechanisms of energy communities

Scaling local initiatives, such as energy communities, can have global impact. It can contribute to climate mitigation, for example. But there need to be some mechanisms in place for energy communities to flourish. This is addressed in the article ‘Scaling mechanisms of energy communities: A comparison of 28 initiatives’, which was published in the journal Global Environmental Change.

An analysis by postdoctoral researcher Daniel Petrovics (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) and his co-authors Dave Huitema, Mendel Giezen and Barbara Vis, identifies eight necessary (combinations of) conditions to scaling energy communities.

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Pouya Janghorban joins SCENSUS project

Research group Social Enterprises & Institutions for Collective Actions welcomes PhD candidate Pouya Janghorban. He will join the SCENSUS project under the supervision of Dr Thomas Bauwens. In this role, he will be studying the influence of social network structures on the scaling process of community enterprises.

Pouya is an Erasmus Mundus graduate of MSc. Transition, Innovation, and Sustainability Environments (TISE) and has a BSc in Physics from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. He has previous experience in EU policy consulting during an internship in Brussels. Prior to joining RSM, Pouya worked as a student research assistant at Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI) in Berlin where he worked on the PeopleSuN development research project for Nigeria.

Welcome! See his profile page for more information.

Learn about the role of energy communities in the energy transition

APESA, a technology center focused on transitions, organizes the online learning event: ‘Citizen involvement through the Citizen Energy Cooperatives’.

Thomas Bauwens, Assistant Professor of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, joined a panel and discuss the role of energy communities in the energy transition. Joining him in the panel are Louis de Fontenelle, Assistant Professor at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and Antonia Proka, an Energy Transition Expert and Project Manager at RESCOOP.

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Preventing overexploitation of common-pool resources with sanctioning

Can graduated sanctioning encourage sustainable cooperation in common-pool resources? To encourage long-term cooperation in social dilemmas such as common-pool resources – like oil fields, grasslands or fishing grounds – the importance of sanctioning is often stressed. Elinor Ostrom advocates graduated sanctioning: the severity of a defector’s punishment is dependent on the extent of their history of deviant behaviour.

Fijnanda van Klingeren and Vincent Buskens published a research article on this topic: ‘Graduated sanctioning, endogenous institutions and sustainable cooperation in common-pool resources: An experimental test‘. In this study, the authors compare the effect of graduated and strict mutual sanctioning on cooperation in common-pool resources at the micro and macro level. Results support the effectiveness of graduated sanctioning compared to strict sanctioning in the long term and partial support using endogenously chosen sanctioning mechanisms versus imposed sanctioning mechanisms.

Affiliate researcher: Florian Grisel

We are happy to announce that dr. Florian Grisel, has aligned with the research group Social Enterprises and Institutions for Collective Action as an affiliate researcher. 

Dr. Grisel is a Research Fellow at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (University of Strasbourg, SAGE) and a Senior Research Fellow at Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (University of Oxford). In his book The Limits of Private Governance: Norms and Rules in a Mediterranean Fishery (Hart Publishing, 2021) he explores the history of a communal organisation and its role in the management of a Mediterranean fishery.

“I am delighted to join the research group on Institutions for Collective Action as Affiliate Researcher. I share the excitement and interest of the group members for the various institutionalised organisations that tackle collective action problems arising from the management of natural resources.”

Collective action in water management in early modern Holland

Water is inherently circular. It cannot escape the hydrologic cycle and will re-emerge time and again as water. In the seventeenth century, city dwellers of Holland made use of this natural cycle. They withdrew water that had rained down or flowed into the city and put it to use for their own benefit. How did they ensure availability of water of the right quality, in the right amount and at the right place for the community? How was wastewater either deployed or disposed of?

In the article ‘Waste in Water. Water as Waste. Informal Collective Action in Seventeenth-Century Holland‘, dr. Marianne Groep-Foncke explores, amongst others, which parties within this polycentric governance system took the responsibility for the drainage of surplus water and the availability of water of sufficient quality for consumption or production purposes.

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Paper on the assets and challenges of a social economy-based embedding of the circular economy

The paper “Embedding circularity: Theorizing the social economy, its potential, and its challenges” is published online in the Ecological Economics journal. The authors, Thomas Bauwens, Rafael Ziegler, Michael Roy, Simon Teasdale, Ambre Fourrier, and Emmanuel Raufflet, theorize about an alternative, social economy-based embedding of circularity.

The paper begins with a critique of the dominant conception of the circular economy and its shortcomings in relation to allocation, justice, and sustainable scale. Second, the authors theorize how the social economy embeds circularity through: (1) business models reflecting the needs and interests of their stakeholders and, with them, a primacy of social value creation; (2) production and consumption based on active citizen involvement in deliberation and decision-making; (3) an approach to technology that seeks to empower technology users; and (4) the promotion of regional economies and circular value chains based on a sense of place.

Research on crowdsourcing: how to attract and engage volunteers online?

Crowdsourcing, or harnessing the power of volunteers online, has become increasingly popular. Especially among public libraries, museums, archives and research institutions. However, attracting volunteers and keeping them engaged is often challenging for project managers.

The article “Behind the Crowdsourcing Platform: Assessing Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Instruments” analyzes the effectiveness of recruiting and engagement instruments on volunteers’ activity. The article by Montserrat Prats López, Auke Rijpma, Tine De Moor, and Jolien Reijerink is published in the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly and can be found here.

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Daniel Petrovics joins SCENSUS project

Research group Social Enterprises & Institutions for Collective Actions welcomes postdoctoral researcher Daniel Petrovics. He will join the SCENSUS project team. Daniel has a keen interest in urban sustainability issues, cooperative-based energy governance and organisational transparency. He is currently finishing his PhD on the scalability of energy communities. His research is based on polycentric governance thinking and the strategic niche management approach.

Welcome! See his profile page for more information.