Presentations, panel debates, etc.




Other events:

  • Organization of the lecture ‘Social movements’ by Dr. Christian Wicke (Utrecht University) (27 September)
  • Organization of Nacht van CollectieveKracht: event with lectures, case studies and debates; 120+ participants, all stakeholders in the field of citizen collectives: representants of citizen collectives, scientists, civil servants, financiers, and network organizations (16 September)
  • Invited lecture ‘Boos maar betrokken en bedreven. Hoe collectieve actie, zelf-organisatie en polycentricity de Nederlandse samenleving veranderen’ at the Symposium Belastingdienst (Utrecht) (8 September) (De Moor, T.)
  • Keynote lecture ‘From institution to revolution? Collective action by and between citizens and scientists in uncertain times’ at the WINIR conference on Polycentricity (Online) (8 September) (De Moor, T.)
  • Presentation at the ICA – CCR European Research Conference 2022 (Athens) (15 July)   (Bunders, D.)
  • Presentation ‘Stronger together, but how? Lessons from the Walloon dairy history on the strategic relevance of cooperative models’ at the ICA CCR European Research Conference (Athens) (14 July) (De Herde, V.)
  • Lecture ‘Social enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards more institutional diversity? ‘ at the ICA – CCR European Research Conference 2022 (Athens) (13 July) (De Moor, T.)
  • Science lab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Online) (5 July) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., de Vriend, M., and Smid, M.)
  • Overheidslab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Online) (5 July) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., de Vriend, M., and Smid, M.)
  • Netwerklab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Online) (4 July) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., de Vriend, M., and Smid, M.)
  • Financelab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Online) (4 July) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., de Vriend, M., and Smid, M.)
  • Presentation ‘The rule set of the fishery cooperative of Cadaques’ at the Team meeting Institutions for Collective Action (Online) (28 June) (Halliday, G.)
  • Presentation ‘A Discrete Choice Experiment on Motives and Member Preferences in Energy Cooperatives’ at the Paper Development Session (Rotterdam) (28 June) (Klingeren, F. van)
  • Presentation ‘Ken je eigen burgercollectief’ at the We Doen Het Samen-festival (Amersfoort) (25 June) (Duffhues, T.)
  • Organization of the Young Scholars Network Seminar (Online) (23 June) (Bunders, D.)
  • Workshop ‘Towards a cooperative future: how can we make citizen collectives more resilient? ‘ at the DIT DAY 2022 – Imagining Science for Change (Rotterdam) (2 June) (Bunders, D.)
  • Organization of the DemocratizingWork Seminar series (1 June) (Bunders, D.)
  • Presentation ‘Presentation of PhD project for Smart’ at the Presentation of PhD project for Smart (Ghent) (29 May) (Bunders, D.)
  • Presentation ‘Presentatie CollectieveKracht’ at the Workshop 3 Verduurzaming Wijkinitiatieven (Den Haag) (24 May 2022) (Vriend, M. de)
  • Presentation ‘PhD project on Worker cooperatives’ at a collective meeting of research team Institutions for Collective Action and (Ghent) (20 May 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Presentation ‘Institutional Empowerment, Environmental Literacy and Farmers’ Participation in Rural Water Governance: Based on A Survey of River Chief System’ plans’ at the ICA team meeting (Ghent) (19 May 2022) (Ma, Y.)
  • Workshop ‘CollectieveKracht | Looking back and future plans’ at the ICA team meeting (Ghent) (19 May 2022) (Vriend, M. de, and Duffhues, T.)
  • Workshop ‘Zotero. Building a collective bibliography’ at the ICA team meeting (Ghent) (18 May 2022) (Groep-Foncke, M.)
  • Presentation ‘Origins of communities of practices: Why do they emerge? The case of graft guilds’ at the ICA Team Meeting (Ghent) (18 May 2022) (Serres, C., and Klingeren, F. van)
  • Presentation ‘The DCE Project’ at the ICA team meeting (Ghent) (18 May) (Klingeren, F. van)
  • Presentation ‘Building a database on 20th & 21st centuries Cooperatives’ at the ICA Team Meeting (Ghent) (18 May 2022) (Serres, C.)
  • Workshop ‘Engaging with societal partners in the field of Institutions for collective action through’ at the SCOOP training course Analysis and Applications (Rotterdam) (13 May 2022) (De Moor, T, and Van Klingeren, F.)
  • Workshop ‘Long-term evolution of Institutions for Collective Action and their role in societal and economic development’ at the SCOOP training course Analysis and Applications (Rotterdam) (13 May 2022)
  • Workshop ‘Computational Social Science to analyse Institutions for Collective Action’ at the SCOOP training course Analysis and Applications (Rotterdam) (13 May 2022) (Klingeren, F. van)
  • Organization of the SCOOP training course Analysis and Applications (Rotterdam) (13 May 2022) (De Moor, T., Van Klingeren, F., Groep-Foncke, M., and Torres Alatorre, D.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Dorpsraden en de gemeente. Erkenning van de actieve burger?’ at the Jaarvergadering Dorpswerk Noord-Holland (Online) (11 May 2022)
  • Organization of the Young Scholars Network Seminar (11 May 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Invited lecture ‘The role of cooperatives in democratizing and greening the economy’ at the Webinar democratizing work (Online) (10 May 2022)
  • Organization of the DemocratizingWork Webinar Series (Online) (10 May 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Does the History of the Commons Repeat Itself? Building a Taxonomy of Institutions for Collective Action to Study Their Spread and Resilience Over Time and Space’ at the Ostrom Workshop Commons Governance Program, Indiana University (Bloomington) (21 April 2022)
  • Organization of the DemocratizingWork Webinar Series (Online) (4 April 2022) (Herzog. L, Bogoeski, V., Christiaens, T., Zanoni, P., Bunders, D., Winde, J., Toh, J., Visser, T., Bierhaalder, B., and Marceta, P.)
  • Organization of the Finance lab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Rotterdam) (1 April 2022) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Vriend, M. de, Groep-Foncke, M.)
  • Organization of the Network lab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Rotterdam) (1 April 2022) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Vriend, M. de, Groep-Foncke, M.)
  • Organization of the Science lab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Rotterdam) (31 March 2022)  (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Vriend, M. de, Groep-Foncke, M.)
  • Organization of the Government lab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Rotterdam) (31 March 2022) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Vriend, M. de, Groep-Foncke, M.)  
  • Organization of the Young Scholars Network Seminar (31 March 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Social enterprises in the Netherlands. Towards more institutional diversity?’ at the Management Seminar, HEC Liège Management School (Luik) (29 March 2022)
  • Presentation ‘Social enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards more institutional diversity?’ at the Business, Society & Responsibility Research Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Amsterdam) (29 March 2022) (Serres, C.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Les communs et l’économie sociale’ at the Économie sociale et transition écologique et sociale (Louvain-la-Neuve) (22 March 2022) (Serres, C.)
  • Presentation ‘Social Ventures and the Commons’ at the Workshop on Locals Dealing with Developmental Income (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) (18 March 2022) (Serres, C.)
  • Lecture ‘Fishing ICAs in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain’ at the ICA Open seminar talks (Online) (9 March 2022) (Halliday, G.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Gigs of their own: Reinventing worker cooperativism in the platform economy and its implications for collective action’ at the EUR master course ‘AI and social design’ (Rotterdam) (3 March 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Presentation ‘Institutional Empowerment, Environmental Literacy and Farmers’ Participation in Rural Water Governance: Based on A Survey of River Chief System ‘ at the Seminar of the Water Governance Group at the University of Leeds (online) (24 February 2022) (Ma, Y.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Klaar voor 4 jaar leren om te participeren?’ at the Klaar voor 4 jaar discussion sessions, Vereniging voor Raadsleden (Online) (18 February 2022)
  • Invited lecture ‘Gestructureerd nadenken over je collectief met het SICADE-model’ at the Launch event of the CollectieveKracht knowledge platform for citizen collectives (Online) (11 February 2022) (Duffhues, T.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Kansen en uitdagingen van platformcoöperaties’ at the Launch event of the CollectieveKracht knowledge platform for citizen collectives (Online) (11 February 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Wat willen de leden? Met wetenschappelijke tools voorkeuren van leden meten’ at the Launch event of the CollectieveKracht knowledge platform for citizen collectives (Online) (11 February 2022) (Klingeren, F. van)
  • Official Launch of the CollectieveKracht knowledge platform for citizen collectives (Rotterdam & Online) (11 February 2022) (De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Vriend, M. de, Boon, J., Groep-Foncke, M.)
  • Invited lecture ‘Bringing stakeholders of citizen-based initiatives together in’ at the FOCI webinar series (Online) (7 February 2022)
  • Keynote lecture ‘Veerkrachtig Coöperatief Ondernemen. Uitdagingen oud en jong, groot en klein’ at the Postgraduaat in het coöperatief ondernemen en management, Faculty of Economics and Management Studies, KU Leuven (Leuven) (18 January 2022) (Duffhues, T.)
  • Presentation ‘Introduction to oTree and Discrete Choice Experiments’ at the Science lab CollectieveKracht knowledge platform (Online) (17 January 2022) (Klingeren, F. van)
  • Presentation ‘Silicon law of oligarchy or democratic disruptor? Measuring member participation in the decision-making of a worker cooperative gone digital’ at the PhD seminars organization track RSM (Online) (13 January 2022) (Bunders, D.)
  • Organization of Open Seminar Talks:
    • Open seminar talk by Thibault Mirabel (Université de Paris Nanterre) (4 July)
    • Open seminar talk by dr. Amineh Ghorbani (TU Delft) (Rotterdam) (28 June)
    • Open seminar talk on polycentricity in the European Union by prof. Josephine van Zeben (Wageningen University & Research) (31 May 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘Entrepreneurship as emancipation: the unusual case of an organization countering the mafia’ by dr. Frank de Bakker (IÉSEG School of Management) (24 May 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘The emergence of commons and the governance of anthropogenic heathlands in late prehistoric Northern Europe’ by dr. Mette Løvschal (Aarhus University) (3 May 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘The legal framework of credit cooperatives in India’ by dr. Lakshmi A.J. (Kerala University) (Online) (29 March 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘Polycentric energy governance’ by Daniel Petrovics (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) (online) (22 March 2022)
    • Double open seminar talk on historical fishery cooperatives by dr. Florian Grisel (Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies) and Grant Halliday (Rotterdam School of Management) (online) (9 March 2022)
    • Open seminar talk on the N-Extlaw project by dr. Vladimir Bogoeski (University of Amsterdam) (online) (22 February 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘Organizing the enterprise as a common’ by Kristel Maasen (Université Libre de Bruxelles) (15 February 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘Intellectual property and indigenous people’s rights’ by dr. Camille Meyer (University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business) (8 February)
    • Open seminar talk ‘Modelling Fractional Ownership in the Sharing Economy. Diffusion of Shared Goods in Consumer Coalitions’ by dr. Francesco Pasimeni (University of Sussex) (25 January 2022)
    • Open seminar talk ‘Social entrepreneurship in the Netherlands: socio-cultural, political and legal contexts’ by dr. Maarten Hogenstijn (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) (Online) (11 January 2022)


  • 6 October 2021, presentation by Damion Bunders in the panel ‘Democratizing and Decommodifying Work: Lessons From The Struggles Of #WorkerCooperatives For Sustainable Working Futures’, Democratizing and decommodifying work
  • 1 October 2021, invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Collective urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present and future’, StadsSalonsUrbains on Collective urbanism.A recording of the session can be found on Vimeo
  • 9 September 2021, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, BK Talks ‘Why together’. The session can be found on the TU Delft Youtube channel
  • 7 September 2021, introductory lecture by Tine De Moor, Community Building Summer School
  • 3 September 2021, presentation by Damion Bunders ‘Commitment issues? The (im)possibility of worker cooperatives in the gig economy’, Annual international conference of the Royal Geographical Society
  • 25 June 2021, invited expert in panel about trust in government change (Tine De Moor), Final CoronaPapers session: impact of corona on public administration.
  • 27 May 2021, invited expert (Tine De Moor), Panel discussion on citizen cooperatives in Flanders
  • 26-28 May 2021, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, RSM conference: Driving Systems Change – Corporate leadership for the SDGs
  • 23 May 2021, interview with Tine De Moor about beguines, NPO Radio 1. Listen to the interview (in Dutch): NPO Radio
  • 12 May 2021, invited participant (Tine De Moor) in panel discussion ‘Ademruimte – Brugge in 100 objecten’ by De Republiek Brugge. Watch the entire panel discussion: Vimeo
  • 6 April 2021, talk by Tine De Moor in podcast ‘Systeem op de schop’, Social Enterprise NL. Listen to the podcast: – iTunes
  • 25 March 2021, lecture by Tine De Moor, Webinar on commons and the power of food communities in the food transition by Tine De Moor (online). Watch the webinar on the website of Stadslandbouw Nederland
  • 22 March 2021, introduction by Tine De Moor, Lecture series on urban common by U!REKA (online)
  • 27 January 2021, presentation by Tine De Moor and Amineh Ghorbani ‘Long term dynamics of institutions for collective action: using ABM as a complementary tool to support theory development in historical studies’, Metagovernance Seminar (online). You can watch this webinar via this link
  • 19 January 2021, Presentation by Tine De Moor, ‘Analysing the long-term resilience of Institutions for Collective Action, Institutional Grammar Research Initiative (online). You can watch the presentation on youtube
  • 13 January 2021, presentation by Tine De Moor, ‘How can citizens’ collectives be seen as social enterprises?’, Webinar Erasmus University Rotterdam (online)


  • 27 November 2020, interview with Tine De Moor, In de spotlight by,
  • 24 November 2020, dialogue with Tine De Moor, Endspecial Publiek Denken about DuurzaamDoor: ‘Van kiem naar bloemenveld’. You can read the Special here: The article is called ‘Op weg naar een groene economie’
  • 20 November 2020, talk with Tine De Moor, Podcast about ‘Burgerkracht’ as part of the three day event by HIER opgewekt. You can listen to the podcast through this website
  • 12 November 2020, talk by Tine De Moor, Webinar in honour of 10 year anniversary of Nudge. You can find the webinar here.
  • 2 November 2020, interview with Tine De Moor on the role of citizen collectives in fighting climate change: #DTdialogue, Deep Transitions, Website of Deep Transitions
  • 13 October 2020, Interview with Damion Bunders on worker-owned platform cooperatives, Interdisciplinary master course ‘Work in the 21st Century’ at Radboud University Nijmegen. You can listen to the interview through this link
  • 2 October 2020, Lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Collective urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present and future’, StadssSalonsUrbains (Brussels)
  • September 2020, participant in a think tank on ‘Aanscherping Burgerschapsopdracht Onderwijs’ (Tine De Moor), Test of legislative proposals of Dutch House of Representatives.
  • 25 September 2020, talk by Tine De Moor ‘Commons en coöperatie: Alternatief voor markt en overheid?’, Springtij Forum session (online)
  • 15-17 September 2020, Energy Cities’ Annual Conference (Heerlen, The Netherlands) [postponed from April 2020]
  • 14 September 2020, talk by Tine De Moor, webinar ‘De heruitvinding van de cooperatie’ van Stadslandbouw Nederland (online)
  • 10-12 September 2020, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Colloquium Guide 2020: Cooperation(s) (Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • 8 September 2020, Online workshop ‘Praktische wijsheden voor bewonerscollectieven’ by Ton Duffhues, online We Doen het Samen! Festival 2020
  • 3 September 2020, invited discussant (Tine De Moor) on ‘The Commons’, Alt-Visions Festival 2020 (The Hague, Netherlands)
  • 29 June 2020, invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Commons & crises: Understanding the emergence and functioning of institutions for collective action in relation to transitions in the past millenium’, IASC Commons webinar ‘Commons & Crises’ (online). Recordings via YouTube
  • 11 June 2020, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Verbindingsfestival (online)
  • 8-12 June 2020, participation in the Institutional Grammar Workshop (online)
  • 3 March, Expert session ‘Lifecycle of Community Enterprises’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands). Invited experts in the Expert session ‘Lifecycle of Community Enterprises’, Tine De Moor and Ton Duffhues
  • 6 February, Invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Young Professional Program (YPP) of the programme Finance and the Common Good.
  • 28 January, Lecture by Tine De Moor ‘The Commons: Als we samen beheren en besturen’, Debatserie Nieuwe Democratie (The Hague, The Netherlands)’
  • 23 January, Keynote lecture by Tine De MoorWinter 2020 Seminar Series on ‘Future of the Commons’, Green Templeton College (Oxford, United Kingdom)


  • 9 December, organization of the thesis workshop by Damion Bunders, 2019 Young Scholars Workshop on Platformcoops (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 19 November, pitch by Damion Bunders in Pitch session 2: ‘The promise of platform coops’, International Multi-disciplinary Symposium ‘Platform Economy Puzzles: Unraveling the Gig Work Paradox’ (Enschede, Netherlands)
  • 5 & 19 October/16 November, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Anseele Fonds Inspiratiesessies voor Coöperaties (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 18 October, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, ‘Alles van waarde. Of hoe de repair-movement nog meer kan gaan bijdragen aan een circulaire en solidaire samenleving’, Symposium Celebrating Repair’ (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • 17 October, invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Tussen polderen en afdwingen. Naar een nieuwe mix van governance en government’, Strategy Symposium ‘Tussen polderen en afdwingen. Naar een nieuwe mix van governance en government’ (The Hague, Netherlands)
  • 11 October 2019, chairship (Eva Vriens), presentation (Damion Bunders) at the 2nd UU Commons Event (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 8 October, lecture by Eva Vriens, ‘The potential of collective risk-sharing institutions: A multidisciplinary perspective on mutualism in the 21st century’, SZW Wetenschapsdag (The Hague, Netherlands)
  • 4 October, lecture by Tine De Moor, Betweter Festival (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 2 October, lecture by Tine De Moor, ‘Heb jij nog niet van The Commons gehoord? Dat wordt tijd’, Congres Podia|Festivals|Evenementen 2019 (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 16 September, IOS Toogdag ‘European Open Societies in 2030: Challenges and Institutional Responses’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 14-15 September, lecture by Tine De Moor, ‘Samenwerken, hoe doe je dat?’, BD-Zomerschool (Sint-Lievens-Esse, Belgium)
  • 21-23 August, presentation by Eva Vriens, Vincent Buskens and Tine De Moor, ‘Mutuals on the Move: Exclusion Processes in the Welfare State and the Rediscovery of Mutualism’, ICA – CCR European Research Conference Berlin 2019, ‘Cooperatives and the Transformation of Business and Society’ (Berlin, Germany)
  • 1-5 July, co-chairship 2 sessions ‘Gender Balance in the Commons Management’ and lecture ‘Common paths in long-term institutional dynamics: An analysis of rule changes in British and Dutch commons over seven centuries’ by Tine De Moor, XVII Biennial IASC-Conference (Lima, Peru)
  • 28-29 June, membership of the Scientific Committee by Tine De Moor, 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 8 June, Lecture by René van Weeren on the publication ‘ Ja, ik wil! Verliefd, verloofd, getrouwd in Amsterdam 1580-1810’ at KNGGW Leeuwdag (Vorden, Netherlands)
  • 28-29 May, presentation by Eva Vriens and Tine De Moor ‘Mutuals on the move: Exclusion processes in the welfare state and the rediscovery of mutualism’, Annual Posthumus Conference 2019 ‘Institutions and Innovations’ (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 14 May, invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘The fundamentals of commons applied to academia’, Workshop The University Cooperative (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 11 May, opening lecture by Tine De Moor, Symposium ‘Small Projects for Coming Communities’ (Stuttgart, Germany)
  • 7 May, Lecture ‘Cooperatieve Restaurants & Winkels’ by Tine De Moor, ‘To Coop or not to Coop’ series (Ghent. Belgium)
  • 2 April, chair (Damion Bunders), Platform Co-op Community Hangout (online)
  • 30 March, opening lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Citizen-Science-Society: hoe citizen science kan helpen de valorisatie van wetenschappelijke kennis te versnellen?’, Universiteitsdag 2019 (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 29 March, Book presentation by René van Weeren and Tine De Moor, ‘Ja, ik wil! Verliefd, verloofd, getrouwd in Amsterdam, 1580-1810’ (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • 28 March, Book Launch by Jan Luiten van Zanden, Tine De Moor and Sarah Carmichael, ‘Capital Women’
  • 27 March, introduction by Tine De Moor, Invitational Workconference ‘Participatie op de Utrechtse Manier’ (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 20-22 March, lecture by Tine De Moor, Workshop ‘The Value of the Commons’ (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • 9 March, research presentation by Lauren Antonides, Dag van de Dorps- en Wijkraden (Hoofddorp, The Netherlands)
  • 18 February, Presentation INBO Report by Tine De Moor, Dirk Draulans, Piet Colruyt and Marjolein Visser, ‘Natuurverkenning 2050’ (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 30 January, invited lecture on Citizen Science by Tine De Moor, Launch Knowledge Center Citizen Science (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 12 January, presentation by Tine De Moor, New Commons Forum (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 11 December, Guest lecture by Tine De Moor, Hogeschool Gent (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 30 November, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Expert meeting ‘Burgerinitiatieven & Right to Challenge’, (The Hague, Netherlands)


  • 26 November, Studium Generale lecture by Tine De Moor, ‘Commons en de stad van de toekomst’ (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
  • 14 November, presentation by Tine De Moor, Thema-avond Vereniging Dorpshuizen en kleine Kernen Gelderland ‘BOO’s onmisbaar!’ (Dieren, Netherlands)
  • 13 November, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Commons stadsateliers’ – Antwerpen Sharing City (Antwerp, Belgium)
  • 7 November, lecture by Tine De Moor, Sandberg Institute, Program ‘The Commoners Society’ (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • 4-12 October, lecture by Tine De Moor, World Commons Week (Washington, USA; worldwide; online)
  • 10 October, Tine De Moor joined Dutch King and Queen during their economic mission to Germany
  • 12 September 2018, invited expert in panel (Tine De Moor), MO*talks: De échte inzet van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen (Brussels, Belgium)
  • July 4-6, member of programme committee (Tine De Moor), International Cooperative Alliance 2018 European Research Conference (ICA2018) (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • June 27, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Burgercollectieven in een krimpgebied: van noodzaak naar opportuniteit?’, Oranjefonds Inspiratiedag ‘Zorgen voor elkaar’ (Roermond, The Netherlands)
  • May 18, lecture by Tine De Moor, Meeting Regionaal Landschap Zuid-Hageland (Tienen, Belgium)
  • May 17, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, 1e Nationale Dialoog Gemeenschapskracht (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • April 23-26, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, 3rd International EVOCA Workshop (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • April 1, Documentary ‘Ons Gemeengoed’ (VPRO Tegenlicht, NPO2) with Tine De Moor; April 3-23, Meet-ups on documentary (various locations, Netherlands and Belgium). VPRO Tegenlicht website
  • March 20-21, invited participant (Tine De Moor), European Commission Invitational Workshop ‘Energy Sustainability in the Current Transition to Renewables’ (Ispra, Italy)
  • March 1, Presentation by Tine De Moor, Toekomstgids Brabantse Gemeenten (Oisterwijk, Netherland)


  • 24 November, invited discussant (Tine de Moor), WRR Workshop ‘Open Society And Its Virtues’, The Hague (Netherlands)
  • 12 October, invited expert (Tine De Moor), PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague (Netherlands)
  • 11-14 September, lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Modelling institutional dynamics in historical commons’, Rural History 2017 Conference, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
  • 11-15 September, Summer School#2 ‘Making Public Domain’ (Antwerp, Belgium)
  • 15 September, Seminar/Course lecture by Tine De Moor, Curriculum CAS in Applied Economics (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
  • 14-17 September, 4th WINIR Conference ‘Institutions & Open Societies’ (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • 24-26 August, moderator of the session ‘Met de kennis van gisteren. Hte belang van een historisch perspectief op hedendaagse vraagstukken’ (Anita Boele), Historicidagen 2017 (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • 10-14 July, organization and hosting of the XVI Biennial IASC Conference, ‘Practicing the Commons’, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • 1-2 June, presentation by Anita Boele and Tine De Moor, Annual Posthumus Conference 2017 ‘Global Connections Across Time and Space’, Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • 24 May, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Seminar ‘Institutions and the Evolution of Capitalism’, Civic Innovation Research Initiative, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 11 May, PhD defense Miguel Laborda Pemàn, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • 28 April. Lecture by Tine De Moor ‘From local to global: a history of the commons’, Spring 2017 Lecture Series, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Leuven, Belgium)
  • 25-26 April, invited discussant (Tine De Moor), SOSCO International Conference Sovereignty, Contestation, and “the Economy”‘, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • 18 April, lecture by Tine De Moor, ‘1000 jaar commons’, Commoning UvA, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 30 March, organization of ESH Seminar Series (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • 23 March, Lecture by Tine De Moor, Samenlevingsopbouw Vlaanderen (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 25 March, invited expert (Tine De Moor), HUMAN Festival ‘We doen het zelf wel’ (Amersfoort, The Netherlands)
  • 23 March, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Symposium ‘Duurzaam coöperatief ondernemen: business- en verdienmodellen voor coöperaties van de 21ste eeuw’ and lectorship ceremony Willem Foorthuis, Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Oude Pekela, The Netherlands)
  • 23 March, Centre for the Humanities debate ‘Citizen Science’, Utrecht University (The Netherlands; in Dutch only)
  • 7 March, invited expert (Tine De Moor), KNAW Postdoc Career Day, Amersfoort (The Netherlands)
  • 21 February, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Rabobank Knowledge Event ‘De coöperatie innoveert’ (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands)
  • 14 February, lecture by Tine De Moor, Masterclass ‘Sociale Innovatie en Transformatie’, Erasmus Academy, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)


  • 15 December, lecture by Tine De Moor, Manifeestatie (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • 8 December, presentation by Anita Boele, Workshop ‘Hedendaagse vraagstukken vanuit historisch perspectief’ (Utrecht University, The Netherlands; In Dutch only)
  • 5 December, invited expert (Tine De Moor), Think Tank session ‘Revival van de utopie’ (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 1-3 December, invited discussant (Tine De Moor), Festival van de Gelijkheid (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 30 November 2016, lecture by Tine De Moor, Trefdag SociaalWerk ActieNetwerk (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 17 November, lecture by Tine De Moor, Trefdag Sociaal-Cultureel Werk 2016 (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 10-11 November, paper presentation by Anita Boele, LUCSoR Conference: Compassion, Social Engagement, and Discontent: Believing and the Politics of Belonging in Europe (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
  • 9 November, member of panel (Tine De Moor), SelfCity Gent (Ghent, Belgium)
  • 3 November, lecture by Sarah Carmichael, IOS-Lecture (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • 30 October, lecture by Tine De Moor, Culturele Zondag ‘Win-Win’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 20-22 October, co-organization of the 3rd Thematic IASC-Conference on Knowledge Commons, SciencesPo (Paris, France)
  • 21-24 September, presentations by Tine De Moor and Anita Boele, 2016 European Society of Historical Demography conference, Leuven (Belgium)
  • 15 September, organization of the Network meeting Dutch citizens’ collectivities (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 14 September, presentation by Tine De Moor, City Talk # 3, ‘Publieke ruimten: verbinder van vele wensen’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 14 September, Round Table Discussion ‘Participatielandschappen’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 8 September, lecture by Tine De Moor, Workshop ‘De kracht van coöperaties voor het beheer van commons’, Ghent (Belgium)
  • 5-9 September, co-organization of the Lorentz Workshop ‘Emerging Institutions: Design or Evolution?’, Lorentz Center (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
  • 27 August, Annual Conference Study Group Seventeenth Century 2016, lecture by Anita Boele, ‘Oud… maar niet versleten! Ouderdom in de zeventiende eeuw’, Leuven (Belgium)
  • 14-17 July, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Green Summer Academy ‘Green Poland – Green River’, Ciechocinek (Poland)
  • 6-7 July, co-chair of the session ‘Governing the commons’ (Tine De Moor), Summer School ‘Land Governance for Development’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • 23 June, co-organization of the Symposium ‘Cooperation in the Field’, Utrecht University, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • 20 June, introductory lecture by Tine De Moor, Think Tank session ‘Gent: city of the commons?’, Gent (Belgium)
  • 16 June, initiator and moderator (Tine De Moor), KNAW-Symposium ‘Citizen Science: De betrokkenheid van burgers in het wetenschappelijke proces’, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 2 June, invited expert (Tine De Moor), Expert Session ‘The Commons’, Forum on European Culture, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 25 May, lecture by Tine De Moor, Expert Meeting KNAW ‘Moral Sentiments in Modern Society’, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 19-20 May, co-organization of the Symposium ‘Public Private Partnerships for the Governance and Management of Ecosystem Services’ , Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • 10-13 May, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, IASC Regional Conference (Europe), Bern University (Switzerland)
  • 2 May, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Colloquium Lecture Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
  • 22 April, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Workshop ‘Commons in Progress’, Brussels Academy (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 19 April, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Symposium New Amsterdam Academy ‘Veranderend Burgerschap’, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • 11 April, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, WTC 2016 – 4th Vakconferentie Wetenschapscommunicatie, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • 30 March-2 April, chair of the session ‘Why Care? – Intergenerational Support from an Interdisciplinary Perspective’ (Tine De Moor), 11th European Social Science History Conference, Valencia (Spain)
  • 17 March, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Workshop ‘Vergrijzing! Hoe houd je je dorp vitaal’, Havelte (The Netherlands; in Dutch only)
  • 16 March, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Launch RUW (‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands)
  • 10 March, organization of the Lunch Seminar Prof. Marty Anderies, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • 3 February, Promotion Sarah Carmichael, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • 4-5 February, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, LANDforum 2016, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • 28 January, lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care’, LSE Economic History Seminar Lecture, London (United Kingdom)
  • 27 January, invited lecture by Anita Boele, Opening symposium ‘Geschiedenis & Actualiteit’, The Hague (The Netherlands)
  • 20 January, lecture “The ‘original’ commons. From today to history and back again” by Tine De Moor, INDIGO international symposium “Ploughing up the landed commons”, Leuven (Belgium)


  • 4 December, lecture by Tine De Moor, Congress Commons: Citizens, Law and Governments, Brussels (Belgium)
  • November 26, lecture by Corry Gelati and Charlotte Störmer, Seminar Lecture Research Group Economic and Social History, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • November 26, lecture by Tine De Moor, Debate ‘Wat kunnen burgers doen voor het weidelandschap?’, Leeuwarden (The Netherlands)
  • 17 November, Think Tank Session on collective action in care and living, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • 6-7 November, co-organization of the 1st IASC Thematic Conference on Urban Commons ‘The City as a Commons’ (Bologna, Italy)
  • October 30-31, lecture by Anita Boele, Conference ‘Poverty: Problem and Path’, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • October 15, lecture by Anita Boele and Tine De Moor, Seminar Lecture Research Group Economic and Social History, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • October 14, Symposium ‘The road to a sustainable labour market’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • October 7, lecture by Charlotte Störmer, Seminar Lecture Section Economic, Social and Demographic History of the Department of History of Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
  • October 5, invited discussant (Tine De Moor) and moderator (Anita Boele), Symposium ‘De Avond van Wetenschap en Maatschappij’
  • August 3-7, organization of a session in the XVIIth World Economic History Congress (Kyoto, Japan)
  • July, 1-3, presentation by Corry Gellatly and Charlotte Störmer, British Society of Gerontology Conference ‘Ageing in Changing Times: Challenges and Future Prospects’ (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
  • June 17, hosting of the Workshop ‘Understanding cooperation: a multidisciplinary perspective’, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • June 10, co-organization of the 4th Think Tank Session ‘Cooperation in care: factors of failure and success’, Utrecht University i.c.w. Aedes-Actiz knowledge centre for housing and care (Utrecht, The Netherlands; invitational workshop)
  • May 25-29, lecture by Tine De Moor ‘The Common Rules Project. Towards a common language to analyze and interprete commons’ regulations in historical Europe’, XVth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada)
  • May 4, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Govenpro Seminar lecture, EHESS (Paris, France)
  • April 24-25, lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Yes, I do! Marriage Patterns in Early Modern Amsterdam’, Conference ‘Considering Women in the Early Modern Low Countries’, Rubenianum, Antwerp (Belgium)
  • April 7, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Conference ‘Coöperatief ondernemerschap in de private en publieke sector’, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
  • March 26-28, presentation by Anita Boele, The Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Berlin (Germany)
  • March 12, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Conference ‘Citizenship 3.0. Towards a new understanding of the role of citizens in the 21st century’, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • February 12, organization of the Expert Workshop ‘Using Genealogical Data in Scientific Research’


  • December 18-20, co-organization of the CGEH Conference ‘Deep Causes of Economic Development’, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • December 12, Presentation by René van Weeren and Tine De Moor, Visitors Council, Amsterdam City Archives
  • November 15, Conference Landelijke Bewonersdag ‘De regie terug!’, Enschede (The Netherlands)
  • October 30-31, co-organization of the Workshop ‘Common People, Common Rules. Institutions and self-governance in historical perspective’, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona-Iruñea (Spain)
  • October 11, lecture by Tine De Moor, Symposium ‘Commons’ (Ghent, Belgium)
  • October 10, co-organization of the Third Think Tank Session ‘Vergrijzing: probleem of kans voor Lokale Kracht?’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • October 8, presentation by René van Weeren, Famillement 2014 (Leiden, The Netherlands)
  • September 25, lecture by Tine De Moor, Divosa Lecture ‘Leren van het buitenland en van het verleden’, Free University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • September 19, closing lecture by Tine De Moor, ZLTO Dag van de Coöperatie 2014 ‘Alles draait om delen en doen’ (‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands)
  • September 16-19, lecture by Tine De Moor, IASC 3rd European Meeting, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Umeå, Sweden)
  • August 27-29, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, 5th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • August 21-23, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, 18th Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • July 19, invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Zonder dwarsliggers kunnen de treinen niet rijden’, 25e Gentse Feestendebatten (Ghent, Belgium)
  • July 15-18, Conference Academia Europaea (Barcelona, Spain)
  • June 29 – July 2, Workshop Deel& Ulrum (Ulrum, The Netherlands)
  • June 18-21, organization of the working group ‘Commons in Historical Perspective’ (Tine De Moor), Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 5 (WOW5) (Bloomington, IN, USA)
  • June 5-6, presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘Guilds and Skills. The Urban Economies of Italy and the Low Countries Compared, 12th-19th centuries’, Posthumus Conference (Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands)
  • June 2, co-organization of the Keynote lecture Emmanuel Todd (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • May 8-9, lecture by Felix Meier zu Selhausen, International Research and Policy Seminar ‘Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship: Which Policies & Practices Work Best?’ (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
  • April 27, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Meeting ‘Het Groene Boek #4’ (Brussels, Belgium)
  • April 23-26, presentation by Richard Zijdeman and Tine De Moor ‘Making the Household Work. Non-kin Deployment as a Survival Strategy in the Early Modern Household (The Netherlands, 18th Century)’, European Social Science History Conference (Vienna, Austria)
  • April 4, lecture by Anita Boele, Research Seminar, Seminar Series on European History (1300-1700), Leiden University (The Netherlands)
  • March 19, lectures by Anita Boele and Tine De Moor, Conference Aedes-Actiz Knowledge Centre for housing and care ‘Lokale Kracht: the next step’ (‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands)
  • March 13, organization of the Introductory Meeting Project ‘Ja, ik wil!’, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • March 7, co-presentation by Felix Meier zu Selhausen ‘From Farmers to Clerks: Intergenerational social mobility in colonial and post-colonial Uganda, 1895-2010’, Workshop ‘Historical Social Mobility in a Global Perspective’, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • March 6, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Invitational Seminar ‘Lokale participatie in het sociale domein’, Verwey-Jonker Instituut (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • February 28, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Seminar ‘Citizenship and Co-operation – Trend or Hype?’ (Start Seminar Series ‘Citizenship 3.0’), Knowledge Centre Institutions of the Open Society in co-operation with the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • February 26, presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘Drifting-away Craftsmen? Guilds and Skills in the Little Divergence, 1200-1800’, Seminar lecture for the Oxford Economic & Social History Graduate Workshop (Oxford, UK)
  • February 19-21, presentation by Corry Gellati, Workshop ‘Population Reconstruction’, International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • February 12, invited discussant (Tine De Moor), Debate ‘Science in Transition’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • February 12, introductory lecture by Tine De Moor, Workshop ‘From welfare state to welfare society. New roles for citizens’ agencies and governments’, Scientific Council for Government Policy (Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid) (The Hague, The Netherlands)
  • February 5, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Convention Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten ‘Slim Samenwerken Dag’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • January 30, co-organization of the Second Think Tank Session ‘Lokale Kracht: voorbij het applaus’ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • January 23, Book launch ‘Stedelingen veranderen de stad’ (Pakhuis De Zwijger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • January 15, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Symposium ‘Radicalizing the local’ (Freehouse, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)


  • December 19, presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘The Rise of Craft Guilds. The Urban Economies of the Low Countries and Italy compared, 1100-1800’, Seminar of Economic History (University of Zaragoza, School of Economics and Business, Spain)
  • December 12, presentation by Tine De Moor and Richard Zijdeman, Zesde Dag van de Historische Demografie (Ghent University, Belgium)
  • December 5, Invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Homo Cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society’ (Lund University, Sweden)
  • December 4, Invited lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Homo Cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society’ (Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden)
  • November 29, Invited expert (Tine De Moor), Workshop ‘Historische vergelijkingen voor hedendaags gebruik’ (The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP), The Hague, The Netherlands)
  • November 28, presentation by Tine De Moor and Richard Zijdeman, Seminar lecture ‘Making the household work’ (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • November 21, presentation by Silvana Maubrigades, Seminar lecture Silvana Maubrigades on ‘Marriage Patterns in Latin America’ (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • October 17, co-organization of the Think Tank Session ‘Collectivities in Care’ (Utrecht University in cooperation with Aedes-Actiz, The Netherlands)
  • October 3, Seminar lecture on ‘How much did English women earn in the past?’ (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • October 3, Lecture by Tine De Moor and Ruud Huirne ‘Cooperaties: het businessmodel voor 2020?’ (Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands)
  • October 3, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Workshop ’25 jaar Amsterdams Steunpunt Wonen’ (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • September 6-7, presentations by Tine De Moor and Miguel Laborda Pemán, European Historical Economics Society Conference (London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom)
  • August 19-22, presentations by Tine De Moor and Gabriela Landolt, EURHO Rural History Conference 2013, University of Bern (Switzerland)
  • July 26, invited expert (Tine De Moor), Debates series ‘Zonder dwarsliggers kan de trein niet rijden’, Gentse Feesten 2013, Ghent (Belgium)
  • June 18, debate participant (Tine De Moor), Utrecht Science Park Knowledge Debate, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • May 14-15, co-organization of the Workshop ‘Using the Cambridge Group Family Reconstitutions’, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
  • April 23, lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Dealing with the Digital World’, Humanities Lectures, Graduate School of Humanities, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • March 21, presentation by Annemarie Bouman and Tine De Moor, Seminars in Economic History Series, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • March 14, presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘The Economic Impact of the Craft Guilds: A Quantitative Analysis for Dutch and Italian Cities, 1200-1800’, Seminars in Economic History Series, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • March 6-8, presentation by Tine De Moor ‘Single, safe, and sorry? An analysis of the motivations of women to join the early modern beguine movement in the Low Countries’, International Conference ‘Singles in the Cities in North-West Europe, c. 1000 – 2000’ (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
  • February 28, organizing the Workshop ‘Publish or Perish’, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • February 5, Seminar Lecture by Tine De Moor ‘The Commercial Household. Living-in-(non-)kin and household composition in an EMP-area (The Netherlands, 17th century)’, Nuffield College, Oxford Unifersity (UK)
  • January 31, invited expert (Tine De Moor), Debate ‘Revolution at Point Zero’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)


  • December 19, lecture by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘Un análisis sobre el desarrollo a largo plazo de los gremios de artesanos y los campos comunales en la Europa pre-industrial’, Seminar of Economic History, University of Zaragoza (Spain)
  • December 18, discussant (Tine De Moor), Debate ‘If Mayors Ruled the World’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • December 18, invited lecture by Tine De Moor on rural history, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
  • December 11, invited lecture by Tine De Moor on Nuclear Hardship, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • November 29 – December 1, organization of the Conference ‘Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action’ (2nd Thematic Conference of the IASC), Utrecht University, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • November 12, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, Seminar Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)
  • November 12, lecture by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘The Commons: A Historical perspective’, Real World Economics Evening, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • October 26, workshop by René van Weeren on data sharing, Symposium ‘Visibility: building online scholarly presence’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • October 25, invited lecture by Tine De Moor, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau)
  • September 24 – 28, presentation by René van Weeren on the relation between genealogical research data and the use of these data for other scientific research purposes, XXXth International Congress for genealogical and heraldical Sciences, Maastricht (The Netherlands)
  • September 17, presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘A Comparative Analysis of the Emergence and Long-term Development of Corporate Collective Action in Pre-Industrial Europe’, Posthumus-meeting, University of Ghent (Belgium)
  • September 11-14, co-organization of the 1st IASC Thematic Conference on “the Knowledge Commons”, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  • September 10, lecture by Tine De Moor, Closing Conference HI-POD Research Project, Brussels (Belgium)
  • September 5, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, Meeting ‘Lokale kracht: power in wonen, welzijn en zorg’, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands)
  • August 28-September 1, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor ‘The cooperative continuum: collaborative consumption and production in long-term historical perspective’, “Green Academy”, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Vis (Croatia)
  • July 9-13, presentations by several team members, Sessions at the The XVIth World Economic History Congress, Stellenbosch, South-Africa
  • June 27, presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘A Tale of Two Commons. Some Preliminary Hypotheses on the Long-Term Development of the Commons in western and Eastern Europe, 1000-1900’, VII European Historical Economic Society Summer School, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
  • June 21-23, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor, 18th General Meeting of the Common Core of European Private Law, International University College of Turin (Italy)
  • May 24-25, paper presentation by Miguel Laborda Pemán and Tine De Moor, Posthumus Conference 2012
  • February – June, Honours Class ‘Community and Cooperation’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • April 11, presentation by Miguel laborda Pemán ‘A Comparative Analysis of the Energence and Long-Term Development of the Commons in Western and Eastern Europe, 1000-1900’, Posthumus-meeting (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
  • April 11-14, presentations by several team members and affiliat researchers, European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow University (United Kingdom)
  • March 21, lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Wat geeft de burger moed? Historische lessen over samenwerking en vertrouwen in de burger’, Symposium ‘De institutionele verbouwing van Nederland’, Utrecht University, Knowledge centre Institutions of the Open Society, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • March 12, lecture by Tine De Moor, Posthumus-meeting (The Netherlands)
  • March 9, introductory presentation by Tine De Moor, Conference ‘De Commons: hoe beheren wat van iedereen is?’, Brussels
  • January 27, invited discussant (Tine De Moor), Seminar ‘The Different Politics of the Commons’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • January 18, organization of the Workshop ‘Asset Management of Households in Europe, 1300 – 1800’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)


  • December 12, presentation by Tine De Moor and Jaco Zuijderduijn ‘Squeezing the budget’, Workshop ‘Household Decision Making in History’, All Souls College, Oxford (UK)
  • December 1-2, presentation by Annemarie Bouman, Tine De Moor, and Jaco Zuijderduijn ‘From hardship to benefit; a critical review of the nuclear hardship theory and the emergence of the European Marriage Pattern’; presentation by Tine De Moor and Jaco Zuijderduijn: ‘The art of counting; reconstructing numeracy of the well-to-do on the basis of portraits in Early modern Holland’, Posthumus Sixth Low Countries Conference, Antwerp (Belgium)
  • October 7, presentation by Tine de Moor ‘Institutions for collective action and risks in developing societies: lessons from the European past’Seminar PharmAccess: ‘When markets fail: strategies for health, development and investment’, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • September 13-18, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor: ‘In tempore non suspecto; understanding the historical roots of Europe’s commons dilemmas’, 2nd European IASC-meeting, Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
  • May 16, introductory and closing lecture by Tine De Moor, Symposium Studium Generale, ‘Our common future – the future of our commons’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • April 8, keynote lecture by Tine De Moor ‘Industrious and/or religious. Motivating the choice for living as a beguine in (Low countries, early modern period)’, Conference ‘Structure, Change and Discourse in Pre-Industrial Europe: towards a Cross-Disciplinary Study of Social Inequalities’, Ghent/Antwerp (Belgium)
  • January 11-14, presentations by Tine De Moor ‘Participating is more important than winning; the impact of socio-economic change on commoners’ participation in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Flanders’ and ‘From common pastures to global commons; a historical perspective on interdisciplinary approaches to commons’, 13th IASC International Conference: ‘Sustaining Our Commons, Sustaining Our Future’, Hyderabad (India)


  • October 6 – 10, organization of the Conference ‘Marriage Patterns, Household Formation and Economic Development’, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
  • April 13-16, presentation by Tine De Moor and Jaco Zuijderduijn ‘Households in the tax registers of Edam en De Zeevang (15th-16th centuries)’, 8th European Social Science History Conference, Ghent (Belgium)