- Inaugural lecture Tine De Moor: ‘Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy’On 17 February Prof Tine De Moor publicly accepted her appointment as professor of Social Enterprises and Institutions for Collective Action at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University with an inaugural lecture entitled Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, … Continue reading Inaugural lecture Tine De Moor: ‘Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy’
- Does the history of commons repeat itself? by Tine De MoorOn 21 April, professor Tine De Moor gave a lecture in the Commons Program at the Ostrom Workshop in Bloomington, Indiana. The lecture, titled “Does the History of the Commons Repeat Itself? Building a Taxonomy of Institutions for … Continue reading Does the history of commons repeat itself? by Tine De Moor
Materials on commons
- Lecture by prof. Tine De Moor, Does the History of the Commons Repeat Itself? Building a Taxonomy of Institutions for Collective Action to Study their Spread and Resilience Over Time and Space Commons Program at the Ostrom Workshop in Bloomington, Indiana (2022)
- The SICADE-model to understand Institutions for Collective Action, research team Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action (2021)
- Lecture Collective urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present and future by Tine De Moor, StadsSalonsUrbains on Collective urbanism (2021)
- Webinar on commons and the power of food communities in the food transition (in Dutch) by Tine De Moor, Stadslandbouw Nederland (2021)
- Lecture Commons & crises: Understanding the emergence and functioning of institutions for collective action in relation to transitions in the past millenium by Tine De Moor, IASC Commons webinar ‘Commons & Crises’ (2020)
- Documentary Ons Gemeengoed (in Dutch) with Tine De Moor, VPRO Tegenlicht, NPO2 (2018)
- Documentary Our common good with Tine De Moor, VPRO Backlight, NPO2 (2018)
- Podcast ‘The Tragedy of the Commons turns 50, and how Neanderthal DNA could change your skull‘ with Tine De Moor (starting at 01:16), Science (2018)
- The Commons, short animated introduction movie on commons (by DeutschlandCommons, 2012)
- Common Voices 6: Adressing the Commons, publication of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) (August 2011)
- Knowledge Forum – Elinor Ostrom (Kathmandu, December 2010)
- Abstract of Nobel lecture of Elinor Ostrom (laureate of the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009)
- Video series by the International Association of the Commons (IASC)
- Stockholm Witeboard Seminars – Elinor Ostrom: Sustainable developmentand the tragedy of the commons (April 2009)
- Professor Elinor Ostrom: “Resilient Social-Ecological Systems: How Do We Achieve Them?” (May 2007)
Materials on cooperatives
- Inaugural lecture by prof. Tine De Moor: Shakeholder society. Social enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy (2023)
- Webinar The role of cooperatives in democratizing and greening the economy with Tine De Moor, Thijs Spaargaren (Schoongewoon), and Marijke Flamman (NCR), organized by #DemocratizingWork (2022)
- Presentation Democratizing and Decommodifying Work: Lessons From The Struggles Of WorkerCooperatives For Sustainable Working Futures by Damion Bunders at the Democratizing and decommodifying work panel (2021)
- Video UN Year of Cooperatives (movie 1)
- Video UN Year of Cooperatives (movie 2)
- Documentary about Mondragon cooperative
- Presentation Praktische wijsheden voor burgercollectieven, Ella Vogelaar Academie
Materials on longitudinal development of ICAs
- Lecture Collective urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present and future by Tine De Moor, StadsSalonsUrbains on Collective urbanism (2021)
- Presentation Long term dynamics of institutions for collective action: using ABM as a complementary tool to support theory development in historical studies by Tine De Moor and Amineh Ghorbani, Metagovernance Seminar (2021)
- Presentation Analysing the long-term resilience of Institutions for Collective Action by Tine De Moor, IGRI Seminar Series (2021)